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jngnz last won the day on April 16 2024

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  1. jngnz

    SKY Keys for 24.99$

    Meh, I'll leave my slot for someone who will actually use it.
  2. It’s actually a better SSL Bus Comp than SSL Bus Comp.
  3. Well damn, I've deleted that email for good. Oh well, money saved.
  4. And what a great idea that was. Until my 2 year old decided the floor was a better place for my MacBook to reside. I have to send in the broken iLok, pay $49 for licence rescuing and buy a new one at 66 EUR. They offer the option to send you a new dongle for $10 on top, but taxes and shipping to where I am is $75. 😂
  5. If you own any other smart product, you can now get smartEQ and smartComp for 39 bucks. Craaaaaaaazy!
  6. The guitar one is amazing and gnarly as f.
  7. This is like comparing a 40 piece toolbox to an entire workshop.
  8. Lucky man. I'm 6'1 and figured I needed B from reading the size charts. The lady in the shop immediately said I needed C when I walked in. I sat down and thought they would have to make an E for me. And add a whole bunch of features to it. It was quite an "I've sat in better chairs at IKEA" experience.
  9. If I had to start all over I'd look for a hobby that isn’t such a money sink hole. Folding sheets of paper or something.
  10. Extremely low CPU and still one of the better tape-y things out there. Shout out to the guy on Knobcloud who sold me Satin for $30 because that has been my goto ever since.
  11. I believe you are in the wrong forum, good sir. (I agree with the implementation being sub par, but SoundID has profiles for my Arya and Hi-X65 that Realphones doesn’t have so it’s better than nothing)
  12. On sale for the first time: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/95-Referencing-Tools/11457-Virtual-Monitoring-Add-On-for-SoundID-Reference
  13. No, they're virtually interchangable and the Savant uses a lot less CPU power.
  14. The dev confirmed this does nothing the full version can’t do. I love that one for drum room and kind of 'alternative' room sounds when they don’t have to be too realistic and you need a certain flavour. I'd jump on this like a hyena if I didn’t own the full version tbh.
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