Thanks. Honestly the things that tempt me the most are the improved CS-80, Prophet, and Minimoog. But maybe I would use the Augmented stuff too. . .
But since I already have V Collection 8 I was thinking of getting either Pigments or some other synth like Spire.
I have a $150 budget and soooo many things I want to buy
Interesting, I thought Spire is geared towards EDM also?
The preset packs for Spire kind of confuse me that are available thru the Reveal Sound website. A lot of them seem to have a bunch of stuff bundled like construction loops, etc which are not usable in Spire? Is that pretty typical?
I have to assume they will get rid of the normal professional license which costs way more since it makes no sense to buy it instead of Studio One+ Hybrid...
I'm a sucker, I ended up paying the $100 extra to upgrade to V9. So V9 + Pigments for $200. Still a good deal but not quite as insanely good as V8 + Pigments for the original $100. Oh well, the new synths and upgraded synths sound amazing so it's worth it!
Maybe we're seeing different sites? When I go there it seems normal and has a valid SSL certificate and secure connection. The math is fine as well. I'm in the US.
After placing the order I got an order confirmation email that is pretty normal as well. Just waiting on the serial number.