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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Zero Audio

    Hi. Running Windows 11 on a new'ish HP laptop - i3 Intel Core - a Behringer UM2 audio interface, old school Altec power-up speakers (avec sub-woofer) plugged into the headphone jack of my laptop, just to give you an idea how hi-tech this operation is. Trying to get off the ground and record something, anything. Problem: a signal is going in - I see it moving on the track (trying to do guitar, first): I can't hear squat. These are my settings: What am I doing wrong? Thank you. Steph
  2. OK well thanks dude. One of the available driver modes is indeed Wasapi ("Wasapi Shared" - sounds close enough for me.) I'm making do. Except my guitar's feedbacking like a mother when I click that little "Input Echo" button next to the red "Arm" one, and that's with all guitar, soundcard and speaker dials turned to "sane" - console fader too. If I turn them down low enough to kill the feedback, I can't hear myself coming out. There's some microphone somewhere picking up everything around me. I gotta find and kill that thing... Thanks a lot Greg - obviously I'm going to live on this forum for a bit... Clueless Steph
  3. Hi! - first things first: I'm an idiot. Two: I looked up some YouTube tutorial about how to get started in recording. The guy says you have to go to Preferences -> Audio -> Playback and Recording -> Driver Mode and set it to Asio, for reasons XYZ I suppose. Upon downloading the drivers for my state-of-the-art Behringer U-Phoria UM2 ($45...) a window popped up informing me that these drivers aren't compatible and create problems if you proceed. Would I like instead to use driver mode MME or Wasapi or whatever the hell it was? What could I do - I said "Suuure!" Am I off to a bad start? Shall I go back and proceed with the non-compatible driver mode Asio instead? Thanks so much. Clueless Steph
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