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  1. Thanks scook! I have used markers with hardware field recorders, but is there any phone app that can record audio and add markers to your recordings and then import wav file to Cakewalk with those markers? I haven´t found any compatible app.
  2. Hi! Is there any Android or iPad app that can add markers to wav file? And so that you can import wav file with markers to Cakewalk. Thanks in advance!
  3. I haven´t had any crashes, but I even got this popup message if I change the name of the buss. Not every time but often. I don´t use any weird characters If I open a project I get maybe 6 times this popup. It´s quite annoying to hit OK button every time. Project stops loading plugins when this popup appears. Here is two pictures of the popups:
  4. I get this message also when opening files. "Opening Project -box" stucks at these plugins: Loading FX Console Emulator Channel... Loading FX Console Emulator Bus...
  5. I just updated Omnisphere software to 2.6.2c. After that the Omnisphere.dll (64 bit) won´t scan at all (size 53,384 KB) I tested it with latest Studio One 4.5 and latest Cakewalk by Bandlab. Omnisphere.dll goes to failed plugins in Cakewalk and to blacklist in SO4. Standalone version works ok but not the vst version I emailed to Spectrasonics. Let´s hope somebody finds the fix! I have Win 10, 64 bit, version 1903
  6. Acue

    Massive X

    Nice! Thanks! Downloading... ?☀️?
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