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  1. Previously i wrote about above mentioned plugin which is not working in bandlab Cakewalk anymore as a plugin. Today in noticed that this synth is working as a stand alone and you get all the instruments also what you have acquired. My question is: how to I get it working in Cakewalk ? As i previously mentioned about this female choir and i really like after tweaking and i enclose a part of from my arrangement. blue choir MP 3.mp3
  2. Yes this is what i'm talking about but no instrument sounds at all even though i have downloaded them many times from this older cw site (us).
  3. Sorry, i mean CW by bandlab. Previously i had Cakewalk DAWs since 199..something. I have this Rapture pro installed and it shows this plugin list. It's very strange sometimes it worked before and now it don't work at all. It shows instrument list perfectly and midi is working (keyboard is blinking) but no instrument sounds. I use currently only this female choir and haven't found the better one. I have many choirs (spitfire, roland) but this choir suites the best when i'm building my soundscape. I'm really lost 'cause i don't wanna loose those good sounding choir.
  4. Hi all, i been working with Sonar and now this bandlab Cakewalk over 20 yrs. I use Rapture pro synth occasionally and most it's angelic choir to my songs (they are really good after tweaking). This rapture pro has stopped working even if you download again from older Cakewalk site. I have many synths and most what i need to use to my arrangement is that female choir. Does anybody know how to get this Rapture working again. I tried many many ways without result.
  5. pekkam

    rapture pro

    Hi all, i been working with Sonar and now this bandlab Cakewalk over 20 yrs. I use Rapture pro synth occasionally and most it's angelic choir to my songs (they are really good after tweaking). This rapture pro has stopped working even if you download again from older Cakewalk site. I have many synths and most what i need to use to my arrangement is that female choir. Does anybody know how to get this Rapture working again. I tried many many ways without result.
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