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Old Joad

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Everything posted by Old Joad

  1. awesome, thanks for being so cool about it. i really like the sound of the lead guitar, are you using a Boss DS-1 distortion unit? the harmonic notes you're hitting sound sweet..
  2. this was a cool tune... and a cool guy.
  3. The Youtub link has an error... nice mix, the laid back groove is sweet...
  4. Old Joad

    Dad's Song

    This rocks, love the hard left / hard right guitar... cool vocals...
  5. Sure everybody is lusting after Michelle and lovly Rita, but I have my eye on sexy Sadie....
  6. Don't get me started on the food, I got heart-burn eating the Glass Onion.
  7. That College was so far away, it might as well have been Across The Universe to get there you have to take the One After 909
  8. I went old school and bought a Master Link ML-9600 High Resolution Master Disk Recorder off of e-bay. record right off cake walk onto Red Book CD...
  9. i got my LP in 97.. still plays like a dream
  10. I like his series What Makes This Song Great.. but you also have to remember he wants to sell you a book, and a mug. I know for a fact that Pete Townshend used a click track when he recorded songs at his home, and then went into the studio where Keith Moon used the same click to record the drums.. i play my own drums and i use a click track, but i wouldn't look down on someone using the session Drummer program. I still tend to speed up and slow down because i'm anticipating the next bit..
  11. wow drop B... Sure gives the guitar a nice voice...
  12. So I talked to my friend again and he told me the name of the video on youtube. I only care about the strat" part of the video... How to intonate your guitar the right way now that i've seen the video it doesn't seem to far out there...
  13. I've got an old fake strat" just put new strings on it, give "em" a few days to settle in and i'm gonna give it a shot can't find anything on youtube but in the comments part someone did mention it..
  14. Well it sounds killer through my speakers, good ear.
  15. Someone was telling me that it's better to do intonation on the 3rd fret because the open notes ( E,F,G,A,C,D) will sound more in tune. Has anyone heard of this before? I looked on YOUTUBE but I can't find anything .
  16. Great vocal, crunching guitar is awesome.
  17. cool, just out of curiosity are you using drop D tuning on the rhythm guitar? love that sound.....
  18. Speaking of merchandise, Kim Kardashian has a Fake Your Way To Fame T-Shirt line
  19. No worries, your secret is safe with me. I swear i haven't told any BandLab employee, or anyone on this forum about your fake celebrity status. so i'm thinking this guys father sat down with him and said you can have a fake education, or a fake carreer. but either way you're out of the house when you turn eighteen.
  20. Steppenwolf, BTO, Pamela Anderson.. must be something in the beer
  21. This guy will crack you up Faking your way to fame And this bit is a good for a belly laugh as well.. WARNING!! IF YOU USE AUTO-TUNE THE 2ND VID" MIGHT OFFEND YOU...... The Fans Deserve Better
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