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Beau Sterling

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Everything posted by Beau Sterling

  1. Hi, I have a problem using Cakewalk MIDI output with a particular hardware synth. I already know the problem is in the synth firmware, and since the firmware is open-source on github I know pretty much how to fix it, it's just a matter of coding it properly. But I want to ask about Cakewalk anyway. The problem is this: when I play a note through Cakewalk by echoing MIDI keyboard input to a MIDI output connected to the synth, everything works fine. If I record or draw in MIDI notes in the PRV, and then play back, the output is awful and the last played note hangs until another note is played. This issue is not present in Ableton Live or FL Studio. After much fiddling with the MIDI settings in the Preferences window I had an idea. As an experiment, I fed the MIDI output through a loopback driver into MIDI-OX in order to log the messages and discovered the cause immediately. Cakewalk passes the NoteOn and NoteOff messages directly through when played with a physical device, but when playing MIDI notes from the PRV, it uses a NoteOn status byte with a Velocity of 0 instead of a NoteOff. This is perfectly acceptable according to the MIDI Spec, and therefore it is the synth which is non-compliant, for not handling both messages properly. I looked at the source regarding MIDI messages and found the bug. But I would like to know, is there a simple way to make Cakewalk use the NoteOff status byte rather than NoteOn&Vel=0 to stop notes? Perhaps in the .ini file or the Windows Registry somewhere? I don't expect there is, and if it's even possible, I don't want to make the change permanently. I have read there are performance benefits from using the NoteOn&Vel=0 method. I do intend to open an issue on the synth github page and try to fix the firmware so it will use either method.
  2. Using a Behringer X-Touch One (firmware 1.08) set to Cubase mode, with Mackie Control in Cubase emulation mode, the only button that doesn't do what it says is Automation-Write enable. Automation-Read toggles correctly, but not Write. Nothing happens but the mouse pointer activity wheel turns when I push the button on the controller. Also the Ch. Select button on the X-Touch One seems to have no function. It just stays lit green and will not select/deselect the track in Cakewalk even if the track is displayed as active on the controller, or one of the track M/S/R/etc. buttons is highlighted using the controllers navigation arrows. Fader had to be adjusted while the track was selected in Cakewalk to get them to pair, but after initial pairing, choosing the track on the controller then moving the fader in either Cakewalk or on the controller will move the other, and the motorized fader will then auto-adjust to the correct position instead of 0 when cycling through tracks. Everything else works fine so far. Could not test with footswitch because I don't have one. Will keep playing around and update my post if I find anything screwy. Windows 10 Pro (21H1); Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz; 32GB RAM; NVIDIA Quadro P2000; PreSonus Studio1824c; CbB v2022.06 (Build 013, 64 bit)
  3. The bus pane below the tracks has a very thin separator between its handle and the scroll bar at the bottom (box B). It would be nice to have a thin visible separator between each of the top panes (box A) as well when they are collapsed, for aesthetic purposes. Also yes, I understand this request is trivial and there are hotkeys available to show these panes.
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