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  1. Thank you! Though it seems impossible, CbB is still an excellent DAW with its other effects and excellent workflow.
  2. Thank you very much! I found a 2021.8 installer and performed an uninstall(registry cleaned)/reinstall, which doesn't help the situation, the DLL flie didn't come back. May I need an older version of CbB?
  3. Thank you for your answer! I know the vst plugin of +10dB seems still available, but can the prochannel module be installed by install the vst plugin of +10dB?I'm looking for the day that +10dB prochannel module could be pre-installed when we install Cakewalk, though it seems unlikely.
  4. Thank you for your help! I checked the folder you mentioned, found that the DLL file lost but other resources like UI pictures are still there. Trying to repair. Really appreciate your help!
  5. Thank you for your help! I didn't purchase and install the CA/2A, it seems the reason why I can't find it anyway.
  6. Thanks for your help! but I'm not a sonar platinum user before, didn't buy anything for sonar. Is there anyway else to install it back?
  7. No, I don't have it. I've updated my cakewalk to the recent version of early access, but the PC2A still can't be found.
  8. As shown in the picture, Cakewalk by bandlab should have these prochannel modules since they were shown on the official website, but about few months ago I found the PC2A leveller disappered, I don't know if bandlab has removed it or I deleted it by mistake. Is there any methods to install it back?? By the way, can Cakewalk by bandlab bring those fantastic prochannel effects like +10 dB and concrete limiter back?
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