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R. P.

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Everything posted by R. P.

  1. Thanks for all your advise and smart thoughts to help me but at this point it's to high for me. Say that I'm stupid but I don't know how or where to download and then install those latest ASIO drivers for the Behringer interface and my Laptop. I am happy that at least most times I manage to find the right folder if a vst instrument is not installed and ready to be played immediately in cakewalk. I really don't know much about the technical aspect of getting DAWs and equipment to work best together. For recording AUDIO only I had to change nothing...until now. I'm more just the pure musician, I suppose.
  2. I checked the umc control panel. It's fine. ASIO doesn't work at all beacause cakewalk keeps telling me that it is not compatible with asio. WASAPI shows no volume meter like MME but, and that's something new for me, it has nearly no latency between playing a note and the sound when I'm playing via MIDI. MME always has a bigger latancy even if I try to minimize it in the preferences. Thats anew plus for WASAPI, haha.
  3. I checked the umc control panel. It's fine. ASIO doesn't work at all beacause cakewalk keeps telling me that it is not compatible with asio. WASAPI shows no volume meter like MME but, and that's something new for me, it has nearly no latency between playing a note and the sound when I'm playing via MIDI. MME always has a bigger latancy even if I try to minimize it in the preferences. Thats anew plus for WASAPI, haha.
  4. I could try to play a note via audacity. If so it is an issue concerning the signal transport via usb to laptop because when I'm trying to just play with headphones through the interface itself everything is fine
  5. There is even nothing to see if I set the record meter to full range. All preferences are right I think. Everything is set correctly as I can overview it but there is just no audio seen in the record meter as if the sound from my Epiano is switched off but it is not. When I'm setting the volume of my Epiano to maximum I can see that it is even clipping in the Interface. So there is enough sound but Cakewalk seems to be deaf. Thats frustrating. It has to be one little setting that is wrong just one little click but I can't find out what it is.
  6. Hm I will look weather I can do some optimization. And yes I have a gaming laptop (Asus rog15). But I just bought it for having enough power to create music. I don't play games. MME was the only one which runs without any issues. I read already that it should not be as good as WASAPI or ASIO but it is the only way it works smoothly.
  7. Hello Glenn, I am really unknown to all that technical things. It could simply be the case that it's just a little thing and I'm just too stupid to recognise this little thing. I tested the MIDI. Then all ist just fine. So it is only about recording via audio. I connect my Epiano via y-cable for stereo recording (left+right input) to my Behringer u-phoria umc204hd interface. The Behringer is connected to Cakewalk via USB. One year ago or so I changed to MME (32 Bit) for recording. Because WASAPI an ASIO produced always dropouts or audio cracks. My interfave is selected as input for audio recording and also for MIDI recording, when connected to cakewalk. And yes it is selected in the audio track and it's also "armed" to start the record.
  8. Yesterday I recorded some Piano arrangements. As I wanted to check the audio export of the last arrangement I could not hear anything. Cakewalk recorded without sound. So I wanted to record it once again but from this point on Cakewalk seems to hear nothing if I want to link my EPiano via my Behringer interface. It is recognized and the interface is also selected for recording in the preferences. But I don't see any audio level when I play a note and cakewalk doesn't seem to "hear" anything. I changed nothing before. And I also don't think that it has to do something with the latest update.
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