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  1. Didn't work for me earlier today, so I logged out, used a VPN, added it to the basket with the code and then logged in whilst standing on one leg and chanting the Hare Krishna mantra into a reverse delay pedal. That did the tick.
  2. If anyone has a PA $25 voucher and wants to swap it for something else, I have a bunch of stuff up for grabs. Please send a PM.
  3. If anyone has a PA $25 voucher, drop me a PM please as I can trade for it. NI Massive etc.
  4. Larry might be in Paris winning the gold medal in the new GAS Enabler category. Wherever you are, hope you are having a good one.
  5. I got most of mine for free via the codes they regularly give away via the music tech magazines and via their Christmas gift. I have also bought some of those codes very cheaply from KVR; $7 for 4 packs. If you want to buy in bulk, you'll see people selling them cheaply too. I noticed people on Knobcloud selling packs of 15 for $45. So yeah, $19 for one is a non starter and $39 is a bad joke. I like AAS but the marketplace prices make a mockery of their list prices.
  6. In the past, you could use an Essential serial number to get a discount for an Update/Upgrade when purchasing direct from Celemony. I upgraded from Studio 4 to 5 for €9 as my Essential serial number gave me a €20 discount. The serial number was already registered to my account but it still worked which was a surprise. This was last November so it still may work!
  7. It seems a good way to add loads of instances of EQs, compressors etc to a large mix, whilst leaving the CPU free to handle the more demanding stuff. Although, I could upgrade my CPU, Mobo and RAM for less than this after selling current hardware and that appeals to me more. I'd rather get a much higher single core speed and double the cores, which is what I'd get doing that. With AMD seemingly announcing the Zen 5 chips in the week ahead, there are plenty of good deals on the first gen AM5 Zen 4 chips.
  8. They also have a sale with their reaktor packs 60% off.
  9. But the search facility at JRR is by far the worst I have ever seen, so a direct link is welcome. Not that I'm buying this, honestly!
  10. Are these made from balsa wood? If you play like Cecil Taylor, it wouldn't last for a day.
  11. There’s a 30 day demo of the full version if you want to test it.
  12. If you received 10 as part of a Magix bundle, any idea if they are currently allowing a grace period upgrade? I had a version years ago via Magix and that license didn't allow it, but I have heard other saying that it worked with version 9 and they were able to get 10 for free.
  13. "Elevate your productions with our curated collection of 22 UAD plug-ins and instruments." That's a lot of gear for the bucks, deluxe or otherwise! Who can afford to use Waves these days! ? Although, they used to do great deals on Gold or Platinum in the past, which are much bigger bundles. Not that size is everything!
  14. 50+ taxes the last time I checked my account so this is lower. 30+ taxes is very cheap if you like this sort of thing.
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