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  1. I have been using Cakewalk for decades but got serious when Sonar was released. It was such a great upgrade and much easier to work with. I took the plunge and subscribed to the new Sonar a few months back but haven't seen anything new except the way it looks. The features offered seem to be the same things I already had with Sonar Platinum Producer. I like new toys( instruments and effects) bug fixes are needed but not very exciting. Are there new cool features coming for those of us who bought the top programs and lifetime updates?
  2. I have been recording guitar tracks with my Spark 40 from my headphone output into my mixer then to my Focusrite 2i2. When I try to use the USB on Spark the program shows both my Focusrite and the Spark but the box to select the Spark won't check. Will Sonar only take one audio input? Is recording USB better than the way I am doing it now? Thanks for any suggestions.
  3. I just tried Moises to separate some of my old tunes and it seems to work well. When I download them to my PC they come as M4A files and I can't figure out how to get them into a Sonar Project. Has anyone done this? People on YouTube are loading them into Pro Tools and re-recording the weak parts which is what I want to do.
  4. Does anyone know of a program to figure out the chords being played in a song? I am a drummer who can play some chords on guitar, and I wrote songs with a friend who played Keys. We recorded a lot of these tunes on a high-speed 4-track cassette recorder, and some were copied at normal speed. I am recording the audio into Cakewalk and want to try to re-record some of the songs. I have a spark amp that will do this but these files are my own and not on Spotify. Can Sonar play high-speed audio tracks at normal speed somehow? Thanks In advance everyone. I bit the bullet and paid an annual payment for the new Sonar so far so good. I'm waiting for new Sonar toys (instruments and effects) to come out like they used to with the upgrades.
  5. Look, I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade about becoming a star but I just want Sonar to record my music. I have been a Cakewalk and Sonar (lifetime upgrade) user for decades so obviously I liked the program. I am an older guy who likes to write songs and record them for my own enjoyment. When I look at what membership provides I don't see the benefit for those like me. I have spent a lot of money on Cakewalk over the years and paid for updating to the new version, "THAT WORKS" for a lot of us. I only want the program, I don't need music promotion, likes, friends, or any of the other stuff, been there done that. Do Sonar like they used to, and those who want all the other fluff can pay a little extra for that.
  6. I am using Windows 11 and downloaded all my legacy products. I have Dimension Pro working but it is not in CWB just on the desktop. It doesn't show up as an instrument at all. I never changed any install paths and this has never happened before. Any ideas?
  7. I am waiting to see what is going to happen with Sonar like the rest. I have used Cakewalk for decades and was one of the many who paid for the lifetime upgrades to my sonar Platinum producer. It took me a long time to understand this program. I even had a couple of versions before Sonar I think they were called Pro Audio. So many people on YouTube seem to be switching to other DAW programs and not waiting to see what is going to happen with Sonar. I have only used Sonar so I don't know any other programs. I wonder how many are already running another program besides Sonar in case the new Sonar is too expensive or sucks.
  8. I have only used Cakewalk products exclusively for many years even before the Sonar line. I like others purchased the lifetime upgrades for Sonar then got burned. I feel like others Cakewalk should provide something to users who paid for lifetime upgrades of the Sonar product line. If we are going to all be charged the same thing as a new user then maybe it's time to explore other options available. Sonar was never cheap and upgrading was the best deal going. When the lifetime upgrade was offered a lot of us took it. What other DAW options are people using for a hobby home studio if Sonar treats us like new users?
  9. Cannimagine


    Nice job sounds really good.
  10. I have had this happen before and I was told to run the program as administrator Right click on the program icon in the drop down you'll see it. It worked for me
  11. Thanks for the quick info I'll give that a try. I have been using the 2i2 for everything so far with good results but when I got these amps with USB outputs I wanted to try recording from the USB if it can be done. So do you think I should delete ASO4all? I have also tried the headphone outputs but thought the USB would be better.
  12. This seems like it should be really simple but is not for me. I can't seem to set up my amps to record through the usb inputs. I have a new Spark and Code pracctice amps that have cool effects and want to record tracks without using mics because I record a lot at night. I am using my Scarlet 2i2 interface, Optiplex i7 7010 32 ram and SSD. I have been recording with the Focusrite 2i2 drivers in ASIO but also installed ASIO4all. When I pull up audio in Cakewalk preferences The ASIO4all and the Focusrite have checks in the boxes but the Spark is light grey and won't let me check the box. Any help is appreciated thanks in advance.
  13. When I try to use the step sequencer or loop construction view they are light grey and not available. Does anybody know how to enable them?
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