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Jona Wilson

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Everything posted by Jona Wilson

  1. Is there any way to change the volume slider increment when using the mouse scroll? It would be great to adjust slider by 1db when scrolling.
  2. LOL in the time since i posted i installed my MOTU micro midi to my new setup i was trying not use it cause i used in my old setup for reference but being at my wits end i said F it and switched it over and boom I'm back in business. Thank you so much for response time.
  3. By now i know this topic is old to most and probably been discussed 100's of times. I've searched this topic and just can't seem to find a definitive answer so i come with hat in hand begging anyone to give me some answers on how to get my MCU to work with CBB. I've been working with cakewalk since Home Studio 4 so i am pretty familiar with it's internal structure but for life of me i can't seem to figure this out. I moved from Win 7/Sonar Platinum to Win 10/CBB this year. I held out as long as i could for fear of my workflow being compromised but surprisingly the transition went pretty well which brings me to this week when i tried to insert my MCU back into my setup. Funny thing is i saved it for last cause i assumed it would connect just as easy as it had in Sonar Platinum. HELP PLEASE. Dell 7520 Win 10 Pro Intel i7
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