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  1. My top 2: 1. Neo Soul Keys Studio (gospelmusicians): It's not only a Wurli(200 and 300) vst but Rhodes (MK1, 2, 3, 5 and 7), Clav, CP70 too and more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4-45ATZl_8 The vst version may not be in your budget for the moment (115$ actually) but the IPAD version is actually at 11.99$ and 24.95 ordinary demo of the IPAD version (with review of all presets) 2. Native Instrument A200 Less grit and dynamic than Neo Soul Keys Studio but is more smooth/soft (like the very good "worlitzer" from pianobook that you have posted, thanks!)
  2. I own: the V4B is more warm, enveloppant(in french?) and with polished transient. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqbbC0IwSXE I don't own: the GK is more in your face and less warm but it can be more tweaked (may be less intuitive and fast than the V4B). The transient seem to be more draft but with more body in the same time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgeJ-NWbBVA
  3. I tested shell2vst on FL Studio 20 but it don't work!
  4. Thanks Doug Rintoul! I test this if it still work.
  5. Can you explain how to or provide a link for this other way
  6. Peter - IK Multimedia finally reply at KVR only when the 2.0.4 update was available: "My answer came right from Erik Norlander. Sorry if that concerns you but he's most definitely an expert not only on Syntronik but synthesis and has probably forgotten more about it than most of us in this thread know. He was kind enough to explain further for you so you can understand, @Opil: With regard to my info about how any true 6dB / 1-pole filter is non-resonant by nature: This remains true. Resonance is created by negative filter feedback, and it’s impossible to do that with a single pole (6dB filter). Our M-Type filter does indeed have resonance, even when set to the 6dB slope. How is this possible, given the above? The M-Type filter is a special case, and it’s not really a true 6dB filter. Here’s why: The M-Type filter is based on the famous Bob Moog Transistor Ladder Filter. It’s called a ladder filter because it uses a cascade of transistors to generate the filter, and each pole of the filter is one “rung” on the ladder. It is 4 poles — 4 rungs — in total, for a 24dB per octave filter. To get the 6 / 12 / 18 / 24dB responses from this filter, we take taps at the output of each pole, each rung of the ladder. So for the 6dB slope, we take the output of the first rung. However, the resonance of the filter — the negative feedback — comes from the very end of ladder. This means that no matter what slope you choose for the M-Type filter, the resonance will always be from the complete ladder and therefore 24dB per octave, aka 4-pole. So our 1-pole / 6dB M-Type filter is really a one-pole / 6dB filter with 4-pole / 24dB of resonance. In that sense, it’s not a true 1-pole / 6dB filter. Well, it is until you turn up the resonance. Then it becomes the special case I described above. I'm sure a true expert in the field enjoyed your proclamation of "WRONG" though " I have reply to this https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=581115&start=720 And my second answer and report bug on the last 2.0.4 update: And what bothers me is not that someone is more knowledgeable than me about hardware synthesizers but that when i report the "O-type" filter bug to IK Multimedia support on May 11 and they reply on May 27 (after i a ask an update of my ticket) that they can't reproduce while in the same time following the report of this bug on the IK forum on May 11 at 7:41 a.m. "Steve-xyz", with the same explanations could reproduce this bug only 12 hours later as you can see here https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=30034 In the same thread on May 16 "ttinker" "after looking at this a little" could reproduce this bug. On may 28 at 6:16 am when i ask confirmation on kvr forum in this thread and the same day at 9:47 am "Teksonik" could reproduce this bug with the same explanations. What it concern me is how simple customers can reproduce these bugs in 10 minutes with the same explanations when technical staff can't in a month and a half! How the Syntronik bug fixing support could not find out that the resonance of a filter does not work in all modes, how the Syntronik bug fixing support could not find out that neither the cut off, nor the resonance nor the filter envelope works on a filter. But may be you can ask Erik Norlander so that it illuminates the IK support and shows them the difference between a resonance filter that works and no resonance or between a filter envelope that works and an envelope that has no effect when you manipulate its parameters. What also bothers me is that you come and tell customers on June 17 that they can load multis with confidence after update 203 when this is still not the case with the next update 204 when I clearly demonstrated on Sun Jun 19, 2022 4:23 am in this thread, with screenshots that after update 2.0.3 part of the multis bug was not fixed. As you could see what I report AGAIN on June 19 is still not set in this 2.0.4 update when you load the Syntronik 1 multis from the "beat", "groove" and "groove split" folders. Take the first Syntronik 1 multi available in the "Syntronik 1\Groove Split" folder take to Syntronik 2 group buy, "Full Construction Mode" and see the part B and ? On Syntronik 1 part B have: 12 dB LPF R-type filter 934 cut off filter velocity at 3.9 filter enveloppe attack of 370ms filter enveloppe hold of 310ms filter enveloppe decay of 884ms filter enveloppe sustain at the middle filter enveloppe amount at 2 On Syntronik 2 part B have: 24 dB LPF M-type filter NOT THE SAME filter 20Khz cut off NOT THE SAME filter velocity at 0 NOT THE SAME filter enveloppe attack of 25ms NOT THE SAME filter enveloppe hold of 0ms NOT THE SAME filter enveloppe decay of 206ms NOT THE SAME filter enveloppe sustain at the minimum NOT THE SAME filter enveloppe amount at 10 NOT THE SAME i don't need to be an expert for say you that this part ne sonnera pas pareil! On Syntronik 1 part C have: Formant filter 961 morph a good filter resonance at 21, some drive and velocity sensitivity filter velocity at 3.9 A filter enveloppe with an attack of 394ms filter enveloppe decay of 6 secondes ... On Syntronik 2 part C have : NO FILTER I don't need to be an expert for say you that this part "ne sonnera pas pareil" in french! I was forced to alert everyone on kvr and cakewalk by clearly demonstrating with videos and screenshots what was easy to hear and see in 10 minutes. What also bothers me is that despite the difference in sound level visible on the screenshots I posted on June 19, you come the same day and give me a useless lecture on the functioning of the multis (which I already know) and you say that it is "normal" And now after having demonstrated that you or the team that had answered that "there was no resonance on any filter and on any slope in Syntronik" did not know their own software since this functionality is available for the M-type filter since Syntronik 1 (some years now) you come back to give me another useless lecture by quoting a synthesis expert on the functioning of hardwares filters while I never spoke about hardware filters. Too nice! Thank you! Two day after, on June 21 the IK support told me that they have tested and confirmed the bugs. ? About this last update 1- Here you can see a difference on the attack of the sound with a filter LPF "O-type" beetween the same preset loaded in Syntronik 1 and Syntronik 2 e Yeah, IT'S A BUG......... but in Syntronik 1 ? i like to play ? I'm sure there is some who sweated a bit when they saw the screenshot with the red arrows ?? More seriously Concerning this last update: 2-Some bugs still there: You can already see that the sound levels difference are still here like on the without filter or without OSC 2 It seem that the without FX seems to be fixed but not, if you zoom on: You can see a bump when the key is released => no bump on syntronik 1 And this bump don't occur with the 2.0.2 and 2.0.3 versions like you can see on my old 2.0.3 render with the same preset with the same parameters 3-It's a NEW BUG, it's not a joke this time ? Here you can see that there is no bump and the sound level is the same when the OSC 2 and FX are disabled. And like you understand if there is bump with OSC 2 + without FX and no bump when OSC2 and FX are disabled it's because OSC 2 is faulty! But like you can see on the last audio item of the first screenshot when only OSC2 is disabled there is a sound level difference yet.No need to zoom! Conclusion: -the OSC2 is faulty, it's a new bug and FX is faulty too, this bug have not been fixed. -these bugs (can) occur on all Syntronik 1 presets with FX and OSC2 actived -these bugs (can) occur on all Syntronik 1 multis like the "Cold Lead" multi that i have render again with the last 2.0.4 update It's not obvious but you can see a sound level difference -these bugs (can) occur on all Syntronik 2 multis with Syntronik 1 "parts/presets" Peter do you think that IK Multimedia need an expert for do what i do, render one or two preset and multi with or without FX, filters ... CHECK!!! EDIT: The Syntronik 1 presets O-type filter bug have been finally fixed? Now you have the filter resonance working and the filter enveloppe working for the all "O-type" filter when you load Syntronik 1 preset in Syntronik 2.
  7. i'll go post my findings on the old "IK Syntronik 2 Group Buy!" thread for more consistencies with what i have already reported ? https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/44228-ik-syntronik-2-group-buy/page/53/#comments
  8. This issue was alredy there in 2.0.1 but i have not open ticket for this.
  9. Yes there is already a resonnance on the 6 dB LP, BP and HP M-type filter in Syntronik 1(?...sorry, it's not for you i think at what Peter reply) But if you try to modify the 6 dB resonance of the "Classic type" filter in Syntronik 1 nothing change, it's normal with LP and BP, nothing change either in Syntronik 2 with Syntronik 1 or Syntronik 2 presets because it's disabled. In Syntronik 2 you can clearly see what is disabled and what not for Syntronik 1 and 2 presets because the knob is greyed out and you can't move it in the synth panel and in the new Edit panel. On the Syntronik 2 presets, the resonance of the 6dB LPF "C-type" filter still does not work with this update, the resonance of the 6dB HPF "C-type" filter still does not work, the resonance of the 6dB HPF "O-type" filter still does not work, the resonance of the 6dB HPF "Classic" filter still does not work. -There is not any 6dB slope for LPF "C-type" filter in syntronik 1 this is part of the new functionality of Syntronik 2 for Syntronik 2 presets! -There is not any HPF "C-type" filter in syntronik 1 this is part of the new functionality of Syntronik 2(for Syntronik 2 presets) with 6, 12 and 24 slopes! -There is not any BPF "C-type" filter in syntronik 1 this is part of the new functionality of Syntronik 2(for Syntronik 2 presets) with 12 and 24 slopes! -There is not any 6dB HPF "O-type" filter slope for the syntronik 1 presets this is part of the new functionality of Syntronik 2(for Syntronik 2 presets) with 6, 12, 18 and 24 slopes! -The 6dB HPF "classic" filter resonance is disabled for the syntronik 1 presets this is part of the new functionality of Syntronik 2(for Syntronik 2 presets) There is more new filter features in Syntronik 2 like the "Peak" mode of the M-type filter and more The good thing is that you have more possibility now but you are free to use it or not. The bad thing is that if some Syntronik 2 presets have been programmed by designers with 6 dB resonnance that don't work it will not look like the designer intended. I hope that the faulty 6 dB slope not become greyed out with the next update? because i hope to hear one day what designer have programmed with this new preset for example: Like you can see the designer have adjusted the resonance on 1.5 on the HP "O-Type" filter 6dB slope but we can't hear it because like i reported the resonance of the 6dB HP "O-type" filter still does not work with this update. And there is two modulation(in the matrix) on the cut off which must be more interesting to listen to with the resonance
  10. If you don't see may be you can hear 2022-06-21 01-12-56.mp4 Beautiful 6dB filter resonance in Syntronik 2 on the LP, BP and HP of the M-Type filter?
  11. Peter - IK Multimedia reply at KVR: I know that but i don't know if you have understand that this screenshot is a render of the multi "cold lead" loaded in Syntronik 1 compared to the same multi loaded in Syntronik 2 But the difference in sound level is obvious and you can't pretend it's normal Peter - IK Multimedia reply: ? WRONG Like you can see here In Syntronik 2 you have resonance peak and the resonance knob clearly affect the sound if you play with! Your answer is a little bit worrying from a support that is supposed to solve Syntronik 2 bugs and help the customers ? As I said in a previous post these new slope and resonances are part of the new features of Syntronik 2! I don't know if this answers comes from you or the support but someone missed something and it's not me. ?
  12. I confirme 1-Little game of differences, on the multi "Bio Diversity I did not put the part 3 or part 4 but it's the same on the other parts the filter is disabled in Syntronik 2! This bug affects all Syntronik 1 multis in the beat, groove and groove split folders. On the other hand with Syntronik 2 version 2.0.2 when a preset was not loaded correctly by a multi, there was an asterisk before the name of the multi and before the name of the faulty "part" but there is nothing anymore, unless you check with Syntronik 1 you'll realize it more? 2-The resonance of the LPF "O-type filter" still doesn't work on Syntronik 1 presets loaded in Syntronik 2. 3-The cut off, resonance and AHDSR envelope of the BPF "O-type filter" still don't work with the Syntronik 1 presets loaded in Syntronik 2. 4-In addition to that, the difference I heard on the "O-type" filter, even with a resonance of 0, between a preset loaded in Syntronik 1 and 2 is confirmed (...by me?) BUT ON ALL FILTERS Already with the unmodified preset (first audio item) we can see a difference in level Same thing on the last 2 audio items, one with an LPF 'M-type' and the other without any filter. => The bug is not only the filter section or enveloppe filter... On the 2nd audio item, with effects disabled, on the 3rd and 4th with effects disabled and OSC 2 disabled We can see that Syntronik 2 does not respect the envelope (or envelopes) since there is a 1 beat and 2 step shift to reach the maximum audio level of this sweep! These 3 bugs affect all Syntronik 1 presets loaded in Syntronik 2, all Syntronik 1 multis loaded in Syntronik 2 and all Syntronik 2 multis containing a Syntronik 1 preset (or part)! If you want to test, it is more obvious on low notes. I also made a small render on the multi "Cold Lead" without the effects So we find the same bug and sound differences !
  13. Don't unistall Syntronik 1 This bug have been confirmed by two other customers in IKM forum https://cgi.ikmultimedia.com/ikforum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=30034
  14. I have meet this bug too Even when you run the "Install Syntronik 2 Sound Content.exe" files from the extracted zip you can have trouble with installs, the exe files may be buggy For definitively solve this you can manually copy the contain of the "Syntronik 2 Sound Content" folder in your Syntronik path library Do this with all Syner V zip files and all should work fine
  15. I know why many user reporting that v1 instruments sound different in both version! It's a huge bug with the filter section and/or filter envelope of Syntronik 2, with some V1 presets but also V2 presets on some of the 22 "classic synths" while everything is fine and the sound is different for the same presets played with Syntronic 1. ex: Take the "Boomy square" preset of the SH-V: -Try to modify the filter envelope, cut off, resonance...=> no effect, no filter ? and the sound is so different from the same preset played with Syntronic 1 (it is more obvious in the low notes C0,C1...) -Try all the possibilities (lpf,bpf...) of the 7 filters, slope/slope and modify the filter envelope, cut off, resonance => sometimes it's the cut off, sometimes the resonance, sometimes both that have no effect, sometimes you just can't choose the slope (the slider stays locked) while it's available in Syntronik 1 -Try to save a project with the "Boomy square" preset of the SH-V (without modifying it), close and reload your project, go to Syntronik 2, already there is an asterisk on the name of the preset, which means that it has been modified, go to the editing panel (the front of the synth) and there from bpf it has changed to lpf? I have seen the same type of problem on SH-V, SAM, Noir, T-03...so far. It always has something to do with the filter section, the envelope I've only seen it once. So, advice to those who had version 1 don't uninstall it!!! While waiting for it to correct And those who have only version 2 of Syntronik test the filter and report to IK support because only for the SAM, the presets Syntronik 1> synth bass: Fat Resonant Bass, Feeder, Fingered Bass, Flanged Round Bass = BUG of the filter (I did not test the others) Don't hesitate to make tons of noise when you contact the support ? THE FILTER SECTION IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! I have tested many things: -install shv-v1 and shv-v2 on the same directory and define only one path directory in Syntronik 2 => no change -install only the synth sound and not the Syntronik 2 CS "Sound content" => no change -re-download the sounds => no change -i have tested with sampletank 4 => same bug The bug occur with Syntronik 2 presets too "Shinjuku Wobble Pad 3" from shv if you choose r-type filter you can't choose between 12 or 24 slopes because the slider stay locked on the 12 slope.
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