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  1. Thanks, that seems to have done the trick. The New Issue (29.9.098) is that Sonar will not accept my changes to the Input for each Track. I set the input (bottom of the Track Channel), and it keeps reverting back to 16 In, no matter what I want. I can't make it obey me anymore. I'm drowning, here - I have a deadline. ?
  2. Hi all - Can anyone point me in the right direction, please? When I launch Cakewalk (2024.02), I get a nastygram reading "Activation Required. Cakewalk MUST be reactivated within 11 days(s). Update activation status before time runs out." Not said: "else we will rip your dogs' paws off at the ankles and leave them to chew on bloodied stumps as we come for your wife next. You will never make music again, chump!" I find this stentorian command less-than-amusing, especially after scouring all the drop-down options, and finding no Command with which to activate Cakewalk. So, questions: 1. Could anyone please pint me in the right direction, as to what to do? I logged into both CW *and* the Forum (hence my being here), and yet the nastygram persists. 2. Could someone at Cakewalk please acknowledge how "user-hostile" this is, and do something about it (read: "next release!!") - so the next time I need to interrupt my normal workflow to update (to features I don't even use), I have an easy way to get back to work? I've used CW since about 1994. I was delighted with a once a year update, and actually ran from 2008 - 2018 without changing a thing. Since then... well, "happy thoughts". 3. Is there / will there be a CW version that I could just BUY, and have done with this silliness? Forgive my angst and frustration, please. This kind of thing really pushes my buttons. Pretty-please and Thank You!
  3. Dibubba

    Bouncing Tracks? XXT

    Hi Crew - A couple (hopefully!) easy questions - I used to know how to do this, but I've forgotten. 1. I have a track, chockablock full of VST plug-ins, that is hamstringing my computer. I'd like to take that track, and "bounce" it to a new track, INCLUDING all of the FX from the VST's, and then delete the source track. How do I do this, please? 2. I have a batch of about 5 tracks, again STUFFED with VST's. Some are stereo, some are mono. What is the easiest, not-efficient way to bounce them into a new Stereo track, capturing all the FX from the VST's, and then delete the source tracks (and recover precious CPU)? 3. Oh, and a third one, while I'm here: I have another song, about 7 years old. Buried in that project are about 15 "Hidden" tracks - the Track Views number as if they were there, so I must have Hidden them back in 2017. How can I see them again? CTRL+H hides more, but won't undo. These VST's seem to get hungrier and hungrier... looking for Coping Strategies as I save for a new machine. Mine was pretty-stout 10 years ago, but it shows its age, now. ? Any help appreciated! Please and Thank You! ?
  4. That did the trick most-excellently, sjoens! Thanks much!
  5. Hi all - I've been using SONAR (or it's progenitors) since running it on my Amiga back in 1992. This morning, I bumpred into "something I don't know how to do", and could use your suggestions, please. I have a synthesizer track, in stereo, that everybody in the band loves. The player was really jazzed up (on Red Bull, I think), and played a couple of phenomenal licks that he can't re-play under pressure. The problem is - somebody must've leaned on the board, and flipped-off the routing switch - so the track has audio on the left, and nothing (silence) on the right. Does CakewalkBL have a simple way of converting this track to mono, preserving only the left side? I have several work-arounds; I'm looking for the "best way". Thanks!~
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