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Neel Modi

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  1. I would love to see a future version of Sonar include a chord track like they have in Cubase and Studio One. Ideally, you can drag an audio clip to the track and it'll tell you what the chords are. Also, the ability to generate new MIDI or audio content (e.g. backup harmonies) based on the chord track. It's also an easy way to tell what chord you're in while the song is playing or you're recording a new track. Thanks! Neel
  2. You can specify folder locations in the Preferences. Check out Tip #3 in my Cakewalk Tips video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLBFRc3BVjg&t=954s
  3. There is a system that allows you to program your own scales. I did a video about it: Trying out the Leimma Global Tuning system to compose in Cakewalk by Bandlab - YouTube Neel
  4. This was really useful for me setting up transport control with my new A61. I did a video explainer here: https://youtu.be/egzLSGwOHAA
  5. Hi all Thinking about picking up an NI A49 keyboard. They don't specifically mention Cakewalk as a supported DAW for transport controls, but can anyone confirm if it'll work under Mackie control or otherwise, if you've got an A-series controller? Thanks Neel
  6. Hi everyone If you're using Spitfire BBC Core Orchestra, I've created articulation maps for all the instruments up to the January 2021 v1.2 update, with the muted horn additions. Enjoy! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18AAS-g5S3sydK9mFyR7b39jSYrjn7Bmh?usp=sharing Neel
  7. UPDATE to my earlier thread: I recently got my Battery working better for me, after years of using it. I managed to get all Battery 3 kits into Battery 4 and consolidated all drum maps for Cakewalk by Bandlab / Sonar users. I did enter my serial number for Komplete 8, and even 12 hours later, Native Access wouldn't show anything from my Komplete 8 stuff. I have discs but I think they're in storage in my parent's basement :). However, I did find Battery 3 installation files here: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000549845 And here's how to import Battery 3 kits into Battery 4: https://support.native-instruments....-the-BATTERY-4-and-MASCHINE-2-Library-Browser And finally, my consolidated drum maps for Cakewalk users: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0phgxjosspkvqfe/Battery 1-4 Drum Maps for Cakewalk.zip?dl=0 Enjoy! Neel
  8. Yeah, I also commented on this thread, and now I'm trying to get my Komplete 8 to show up in Native Access so I can download and install Battery 3, but after putting in the serial number, nothing happens. https://www.native-instruments.com/forum/threads/brushes-and-other-jazzy-sounds.417417/
  9. Good idea, Bob, thanks, will do. I also have Battery 3 maps but when I upgraded to Battery 4, my presets for Battery 3 disappeared. I don't worry about it much, as there's lots of cool kits in B4 anyway.
  10. Hey Bob I managed to create maps to all the Battery 4 kits, check it out Neel Battery 4 Drum Maps for Cakewalk.zip
  11. Any NI Battery 4 users here? It took me a while, but I managed to create drum maps for all the default kits. I found some text files a while back online, but didn't know how to convert them to maps. A few programs later and a lot of repetitive clicking, and voila. My gift to y'all. Neel Battery 4 Drum Maps for Cakewalk.zip
  12. Looking at the guide you linked to, the theme editor has the same options as the colour tabs in Preferences, so it won't do what I want.
  13. Thanks scook, the guys on FB said it couldn't be done in the Theme Editor. I've never even installed the editor, but I can try it. I'm looking for a different colour / shade on the SELECTED synth. If they all change to same colour, that won't help me.
  14. I haven't used arranger in this way yet, and yes this is an issue, as explained in this video:
  15. I'd love to the option to customize the colour of the synth rack background or background of the title field (similar to the track view) when a synth is selected. By default in the Tungsten theme, it doesn't have very good contrast to clearly see which synth is currently selected. I posted on Facebook about this, in case it gets updated there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sonarusergroup/permalink/2757017177758492/
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