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  1. Wondering if Musio changes its subscription model or the company stopped operating later, are the lifetime subscription members still able to continue using all the Musio instruments? Is lifetime subscription exactly the same as owning all the Musio instruments for life?
  2. Yes, I think so, too. And the reverb is terrible, extremely muddy. Can it be turned off, or it is baked into the samples?
  3. Just bought and tested out the dynamic levels. I think it will be quite useful.
  4. Is this quoted from the u-he website? Thanks. Edit : Got it. Urs said it himself in some forum posts.
  5. Wondering is it possible to send the 4 loops to 4 different outputs in Kontact for further processing in the DAW? Edit: Yes, it can, but have to do it under the hood, not in the GUI.
  6. The loops don't sound very inspiring to me...
  7. Wondering how does it sound and what's the installation size? Thanks.
  8. Quick questions to v1.5 users: 1) Are the legato 1/2 articulations in polyphonic mode by default, and the legato mode is need to be enabled somewhere? If so, how and where? 2) Are Snapshots available in the v1.5 instruments? Thanks.
  9. Bought Aviram Arabic Strings and have buyer's remorse. The reason is that this newer v2.0 does not even have true legato and portamento which the older v1.5 has. The legato 1 and legato 2 articulations are sustain articulation indeed and are always in polyphonic mode. The second reason is that quite a few articulations only pitched up and down a single sample and spread it across the entire keyboard. As a result, you get some much speeded up cartoonish sounds in the higher register, and some slower devilish sounds in the lower register. This makes those articulations quite unusable unless you only play the notes within the same octave of the sample being manipulated. Thirdly, when I was reading the manual, I found tons of features like Snapshots, Monophonic Mode, Monophonic Retrigger, Polyphonic MonoRetrigger, Harmonizer, Gate, Step Sequencer, Arpeggiator, etc. are all missing in my GUI. I have no idea what is going on. I hope I was missing something that the legato and polyphonic modes are actually hidden somewhere, and the speeded up/down samples can be controlled. Please shed some light if you know how to do so. Otherwise, I am quite disappointed, thanks.
  10. Wow, that's more than 81% off. Can I ask when was the sale? Black Friday 2019? Need this to pair with the Aviram Arabic Strings, thanks.
  11. Wondering what was the lowest price Zero-G Eastern Percussion Module sold for? Thanks.
  12. Has anyone tried the demo or actually got this plugin? PhoenixVerb is on sale as well. Can I ask which one is better? Thanks.
  13. Thanks for the track, but quite difficult to judge the room sound of CineBrass because the sounds become a bit muddy in the passage when all instruments are playing, thanks anyway.
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