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Everything posted by Plutogenie

  1. Many thanks, @msmcleod, for this extra pointer. I found that Kontakt did this automatically when using the Batch function step. I will know, now, to double check this. Until recently I was mainly using Spitfire dedicated plugins (e.g. Originals, a smaller Abbey Road One library). Separate instances for each instrument in my small projects (only about 5 VST tracks, an audio track I'm forking, then later some bounced audio tracks, no FX etc) were working fine on my system (Acer Nitro i5 quad core, 8 Gb RAM, external 2TB SSD, Focusrite 4i4 Gen 3, Win10). But now I'm experimenting with bigger Kontakt libraries, and combining more instruments etc, the above instructions will become increasingly useful I think. So much to learn!?
  2. Many thanks, everyone and especially @msmcleod , for these instructions. They worked for me too when trying to create multiple tracks of NI Lores instruments, and similarly for multiple Spitfire library tracks. One part I was unsure about, but worked out after some mis-steps, was that I needed to click "Yes" in the dialog that opens with "Append Instrument Track" in Step 3. From what I can work out, the "Yes" option assigns the first simple instrument track to Kontakt 1 (under channel in the MIDI tab of Inspector) and the appended track to Kontakt 2 (and so on for each subsequent track). I am a novice when it comes to many Cakewalk features, and only just starting out with Kontakt and VSTs etc. I hope that this additional clarification might help other novices like me, assuming my understanding is correct, that is! ? I am using Kontakt 7 Player and there is an "!" button in the top right hand corner (i.e. Restart) which one video tutorial explained can be used when adding new Kontakt outputs to apply changes. @billy86 , is that button equivalent to closing and re-opening Kontakt, or do you find closing/opening Kontakt is worth doing anyway just to be sure due to Kontakt quirks? This question is for my curiosity and learning. Thanks again, everyone, for the terrific help. It saved me a lot of time.
  3. I had the same issue as Christian with Lores and Cakewalk. For e.g. I could play some MIDI notes, clicked Stop, then silence when tried to play again. Christian's solution was the only thing that worked before I found this thread. I tried RBH's suggestion, and my quick test suggests that this fixed the issue. I will keep testing, but for now a big thanks to RBH! ? I now will try to find out if there is a way to make that setting change permanently across all projects (I will search for a relevant thread). Now that I am starting to use VSTs, I found that with Spitfire dedicated plug-ins (and Kontakt too I think) all the settings for Dynamics, Expression, etc are not retained. Another thread revealed this setting was also the culprit! Just need to find the thread that makes this a permanent setting change across all projects, instead of having to do it for each project.
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