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EnglandBross last won the day on July 11 2020

EnglandBross had the most liked content!


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  1. it is not enough to subscribe to it ...
  2. the new UAD platform has arrived, it's called LUNA, has anyone tried it?
  3. ok, nothing metter when software will release ... jus a timeline ... 😉
  4. I'm an Old Sonar User ..(from sonar 4 to Platinum) and I suppose there are two ways ... first , I totally agree with you !, second chance, we are wrong and Sonar could be behind the corner ! now ... what's the right view ..?!
  5. could be just like a Hester eggs ?? thanks you all for feedbacks
  6. really it's coming soon ? could anyone have an official release date ?
  7. I bought Cubase 13 as a lifesaver , I started to training in it! I hope new sonar could be performing and stable , otherwise ...
  8. at the moment I have a BIG problem with CbB and Intel i9 14° ... I had to disable plugin load balancing,.. not to mention when you clouse multiple folder consecutively , it crash !! In general I'm not happy about a new release 29.xx.xxx .. but I hope for a new Sonar could be best . I'm still waiting for a beta tester mail ... but I gave up ... we'll see how it ends
  9. I'm still waiting for a beta testing mail ...
  10. Forse parli di diversi anni fa, ora ci sono librerie gratuite e VST instruments validissimi, ad ogni modo se vuoi "campionarli" puoi registrarli con microfono e poi editarli su un campionatore, anche questi se ne trovano online di free. Buona Musica
  11. Ciao, cosa intendi per "campionatura" , registrare uno strumento o una voce ? se si , scorri la lista a pag.1 trovi il tutorial n°14 ed il 123 che potrebbero esserti d'aiuto, diversamente chiedi pure qua. Buona Musica
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