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Mr Gruust

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  1. That's nonsense. That's how Macs work since they dropped support for one of the most durable and generic graphics APIs: OpenGL. Under Linux, the core API (file operations etc.) is still compatible with one of the earliest versions. It has been extended, but not broken. Yes, some plugins may use not-so-core-functions of windows and therefore break. However, the VST interface itself is stable. Many devs intentionally build statically linked plugins with NO external dependencies beyond core OS functions exactly to prevent any such issues. Also, the software I buy - I actually expect it to run forever. Not just until some DAW decides to drop support for it. Just think about it: Steinberg - the great and only inventor of VST - simply drops 32 bit support for no good reason beyond saving a few cents. That's why many Cubase users stay with v8.5. And that apparently still runs fine. Quite sad state of affairs. Not quite related, but dongles and copy protections are endangering my lifetime licenses. It's time we get some regulation to force vendors, who use such stuff, to take precautionary measures in case they go out of business. Spectrasonics apparently did that already on their own volition - according to their FAQ. However, there are quite some stories out there, where plugins simply stopped working after the company said good bye. That's simply not acceptable: selling perpetual licenses with inbuilt cardiac infarction risk.
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