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About Ælleden

  • Birthday 03/03/1996

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  1. Hello, I'm trying to find the Cakewalk equivalent of Logic "Convert Regions to New Sampler Track" function. Which basically let's you select a bunch of chopped vocals into a new instrument so when you smash the keys on your midi controller, the vocals chops play instead of the actual notes. I can't find a way to do this in Cakewalk, if anyone has an idea, please let me know.
  2. Damn that's dope thank you so much, that's exactly what I was looking for!
  3. Hello, So I would like to be able to load a specific synth preset that I saved aswell as a specific FX Chain I made for that preset in different project files for example. I am aware that once you created a track lane, then loaded a synth, then loaded a preset inside the synth, you can load an FX chain onto that lane. However these are quite a few steps, that could be pretty confusing when you saved multiple presets and FX chains and require you to load the synth first aswell. Is there a way to load everything at once and even before creating a specific track lane with the synth first? I watched tutorials on Logic Pro and Ableton and the guys were loading presets of their past made instruments in just 2 clicks with all their old EQ settings and reverbs and all the FX they spent time tweaking in the past in just 1 right click and 1 left click. I would like to know if this is something you can do in Cakewalk aswell or if you have first to load the specific synth you want, and then have to go in the synth to load the preset you saved, and then go in the FX chain to load the FX chain you made in the past instead. Thank you Aelleden
  4. Hello, I'm trying to automate the bus volume, which I found on the forum you can do enabling Write mode if I understand correctly. So i did that, it seems to work but I would like to understand how I can visualize the automation I made in the bus, cause there is no automation lane with a curve or anything like you would usually have. So how do I see how it visually looks like? Thank you Aelleden
  5. @John VereMmh, the inferface is powered by USB which is plugged into an USB Hub (self powered) maybe issue could come from that, I haven't tried plugging it directly on the motherboard since new setup cause the cable is too short lol. No the PC is almost new I changed the motherboard and the CPU, I believe 32 bit audio is new cause it was default thing when I got these things, I tried to go to 24 watching some tutorials but everytime it returns to 32bit in Windows. Cables are almost new for all my equipement, nothing is older than 7 months or even more recent for the speakers and headphones. I can't check now if the HUB is plugged on USB 2.0 or 3.0, I'll try later and see if that makes a diff aswell. Also I noticed that using one specific sound design seemed to cause WAYYYYYYY more crackling in audio than other sounds I'm making, so maybe Serum is not helping, maybe I'm doing something wrong somewhere in the sound design aswell.
  6. @John VereI did watch your tutorial on how to setup stuff, it was a very good video and I did all what you said. Yes I'm using ASIO in cakewalk as it's what seems to be working the best, and using the latest specific ASIO drivers for my product. I was using 256 at the beginning and had the same issue, so i tried higher buffers to see if it would change anything, it didn't I reverted back to 256 after the screenshot. @57Gregy Yes Shure SM7B for recording audio, going through M-Audio M-track solo and outputting to both BeyerDynamics DT700 Pro X and IK Multimedia iLoud Micro monitors. I'm aware this is not the best speakers for music producing but it seemed like a good compromise between space and sound quality. Also I notice more cracks from listening to the Speakers than when listening through the Headphones.
  7. These are all the screenshots I can provide to show how my stuff is setup, let me know what else I can share. Also on the last screenshot, I noticed that if I toggle ON or OFF the Audio Engine, it makes a crack sound every time, not sure that helps but at least it's easy to redo.
  8. Ok so here is an update about my problem. I ignored this issue for a long time since I was suggested to get an audio interface to solve the issue but the one I had had a driver that literally killed my PC. I eventually got forced to update my system. I'm now on the latest version of Windows 11, with my M-Audio M-Track Solo, the proper driver installed. My project settings are in WASAPI Exclusive, I also tried WASAPI Shared but it doesn't solve anything. At some point i thought it was maybe because my project was too heavy with a bunch of tests and tries stored inside, so I started a brand new. I'm forced to realize that I still have massive cracks in the audio after a few seconds of the project playing back what I made, there are only 3 tracks going on, each from Serum. I don't understand why it's happening and it's literally impossible to work like that, I tried using Speakers or Headphones aswell, still have the cracks, I'm using 48000 MHz which seem to be the recommended setting for my driver. Thank you Aelleden
  9. Yep I found 5 mins after posting here but I didn't find how to delete the post unfortunatelly, thanks for the headsup
  10. I thought he meant "Windows" as in the "Windows logo" key on the keyboard, like the ALT+TAB version with the Windows key to switch beteen Cakewalk projects which is why I went onto a long explanation for not being able to have 2 instances of Cakewalk open at the same time. User 905133, everytime I come on this forum to get some help or advice, there is always one dude that bashes me publicly or points out every mistake I did etc. I'm tired of this, so yeah, when you willingly pointed out the fact I didn't mention your "if" when responding to you, while you already knew that you edited it AFTER I replied, I think it's fair to say that you don't have any purpose of calling me out in an extra comment just to make me look dumb. Why would you call me out on that otherwise "That's why I said IF" (no you didn't when I wrote my answer) what would be the purpose of this sentence if not making yourself look right and me wrong? Anyways I don't want to argue with you. I disliked your edited comment cause you disliked mine, just like one of the dudes that bashed me on my first day here, disliking all my comments to make sure I'm stuck at 0 reputation. Dislike all my comments if you wish, I don't deal with toxic people. If you are not toxic, then admit your sentence was looking like so. Have a good rest of your day. Ælleden
  11. Oh my god thank you so much, will help a lot! Have a good rest of your day! Ælleden
  12. Ok so this works with the shortcut you mentionned, but I can't find where to do it manually to switch between files. I didn't understand that openning 2 files was about having 2 files open in the SAME Cakewalk instance. I thought it would be like it usually is for most apps, so like having 2 explorers open side by side in different windows. I can't quite find how you can tile them in collumns, I can switch between them with the shortcut you mentionned tho. I have 2 monitors, so maybe I could extend my Cakewalk app on them both and then split in columns inside the instance.
  13. I just tried to open a new instance of Cakewalk from a different workspace in Windows and it sends me back to the workspace where Cakewalk is already open.
  14. Lord Tim, yes I am, it was like that by default, I never changed it Edit: just tried without "running as admin" mode and it still doesn't open 2 sessions at a time, when I try to open the second one, it just maximizes the previous window like if Windows was telling me "Hey look, you have it open already it's there"
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