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  1. Read all the replies...It seems new Cakewalk didn't solve this problem, right?
  2. Hi, I found "audio to MIDI" doesn't work, I drag audio into midi track, but nothing happened, But same project and same procedure, worked in Cakewalk Band lab latest Version Am I doning anything wrong?
  3. Thank U promidi!!! solved I never use workspace actually...
  4. HI GUYS~ I'd like to know the control bar's behavior. I don't know when I chose the modules I want , and already chose " lock module order" "auto-open-close collapsed modules" options" But everytime I re-open old projects, it still no "performance" module, I have to manually add it to control bar, but I did turn on "performance" module last time... So I'm so curious about the behavior of control bar? same since cakewalk bandlab Regards~
  5. THANKS everyone! SSD problem confirmed.... I'm lucky the OS SSD was not so bad, so I still can clone it before it totally dead!!! I changed hd-rec's SSD, too...
  6. WOW... I open "crystal Disk Info" app, then it said.. 5% healthy of my OS SSD 😲😱 So I cloned my OS to the other slower SSD... To see if it helps~ (yes I order the other M2 SSD...) Shock
  7. Thx everyone~ I still not t use LatencyMon to test for now~ I changed to another SSD first, different Brand, not new one Yes, I use one Sata SSD for only HD-REC, VSTI in two other SSD Although I didn't have much time for now to test... But I thought! It's that SSD's problem...@_@... Order a new SSD now...
  8. WOW...@_@ Thx for sharing such bad experience...
  9. Thx~!Yesterday I bump to thought maybe my SSD's problem, but it's only 1-year-old, and the crucial(my SSD brand)app told me it's okay... I'll try different SSD to replace it~ It's really not a heavy project...@_@
  10. Thx for replying~ But I thought the project is fine for buffer 128 "RME HDSP AES" 'Cause I use Sonar and RME for more than 20 years... Felt strange behavier
  11. I encounter Audio Engine Dropout(5), I use the newest version 2024.09-MEM build105, 64bit And same project opened in cakewalk Bandlab, will encounter same problem The project only has 16 stereo tracks, 2 vsti. 24/48k And I notice before the dropout, I saw the HD indicator turned red in the "performance meter" I use SSD for Windows 10 OS and hd-rec Any Idea? I used to open more complex project REGARDS~
  12. HI~ I need help for my Plugin Menu disspeared after once SONAR crashed~ I used to add new instrument and Audio FX from "Browser" as the attached pic I confirmed all the VST and VST-i are registered, open old project, no problem Instrument menu is good, But I press the Audio Plugin, It show 0 plugin The only way I can add new audio plugin (VST) is to press"+" in the FX bin, I still can see all my FX And I never save the plugin menu as *.pgl file, I don't know how to use "plugin manager" to restore or make both audio FX and instrument behave normal... any idea?
  13. Thanks for debugging! Yeah, I think it's the KONTAKT's NOIRE Piano problem, Maybe it do has the tempo-sync " FX, But Ididn't turn them on... But If that's the point, I can't use plugins with tempo sync function... Mnnn... Of course like delay FX ,If you change delay time. I know it will cause"spaceship take off FX"
  14. But in this case, If I export audio, I won't get the noise in the exported audio file, So I think it's playback problem?
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