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  1. Here's a screenshot of the error I get when these things happen.
  2. Is there any particular reason you make things as if I can use a mouse? Have you forgotten that I'm sight challenged and can only use keyboard shortcuts?
  3. Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit, with 16 gigabytes of RAM. I mainly use the Kontakt 4 Library... The one that comes with the main Kontakt 4 installer, and is on the second, third, fourth, and fifth disks of the set.
  4. As I don't use a mouse, I would press the "Applications" key and press Enter on "Run As Administrator". Though I've never really done that with Sonar.
  5. I'm not exactly sure how someone sight challenged like me, who can't write print, would smudge an address. Is that even possible in Braille?
  6. You say, "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.". Could you please explain to me what exactly that message means? I'm a little confused on that one!
  7. Yes, version 1.10. Though Kontakt doesn't always crash in Sonar, just every now and then. But what I really wonder is why it happens at the most inopportune moments.
  8. Hi, it's Annabelle. I just recently moved all my instruments from a spinning hard drive to a solid state drive, and no matter what I do, Kontakt sometimes does this "Error Unhandled Exception" thing in Sonar 8.5. It always did this with a spinning hard drive, but I wonder why it's doing it with a solid state drive as well. Do you know how I could prevent this from happening? It doesn't seem to happen in the standalone version. Why the VST version? Here's a minidump for ya. I hope this helps. There's Always Tomorrow_12052024_171817.zip
  9. I'm trying to adjust assignable controls, but since I don't use a mouse, I want to find a keyboard shortcut to display all synths. I have sometimes up to 20 synth strips, as each MIDI track of a separate instrument is assigned to an instance of a VST. For example, I have 12 instances of Kontakt, 6 instances of Play, 7 instances of StylusRMX, 1 instance of Trilian, and 18 instances of Garritan Jazz And Big Band.
  10. F6 is a Caketalking key, which will refresh the screen to display whatever's in view at the moment. In the Synth Rack, F6 is supposed to refresh the Synth Rack to display the first visible strip.
  11. When I have a project with several soft synths, it seems they all wanna hide, and Caketalking and JAWS keep announcing, "Please press F6". Is there a way to show/hide synths? Maybe a Sonar keyboard shortcut exists to "show/hide synth", or "show/hide all synths". Anyone have any pointers?
  12. Any way there can be a keyboard shortcut for Sonar to display the channel strips? I know with Caketalking (the accessibility Software built by David Pinto for Sonar), next to the track name, when you use the left and right arrow keys to navigate each track, there are two buttons named "Minimize Strip" and "Maximize Strip". Are those what you're thinking of?
  13. Don't feel bad, though. A lot of people, especially computer professionals I talk to aren't aware of that until I tell them. Yet some of them still insist on talking that way when I've told them I'm sight challenged! What's up with that, I wonder?
  14. Unfortunately I don't use a mouse. If that's what you're thinking of. I rely on keyboard shortcuts and a screenreader as I am sight challenged.
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