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Everything posted by Dorondon

  1. Dorondon

    Ujam Silk 2 $19

    you can also add : BACK2SCHOOL at cart to get a15% discount , ends in 2 days (so its $16.15)
  2. They also have a free library for full kontakt that is really fun to play with : Copernicus , that is derived from their solid state symphony
  3. It installs fine to windows without any special warning, at least for me, the pro version comes as both standalone and vst3, the basic version comes only as standalone without vst or plugin sopport) you can see the comparison of pro and basic editions at : https://store.dreamtonics.com/product/editor-svstudio-pro/
  4. Dorondon


    there is no point to this
  5. here you go : ?️ , for your dedication and sacrifice
  6. Check the reviews about this fraudulent deceptive company - Antares Audio, and avoid them
  7. Get retrovibes free : https://audiolatry.gumroad.com/l/retrovibes/holidaygift Sale page : https://www.audiolatry.com/winter-sale/
  8. Also EMP electro mechanical piano free https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/contemporary/emp/
  9. Thought for once maybe they actually intended for the voucher to have some purpose
  10. It seems that NEOVERB is on sale for $25 .... and the voucher actually works on it so Neoverb is also a freebie (edit: seems it's free only for the USD variant for other regions the original pricing is just higher): https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/soundwide-partners/izotope/neoverb/ with : HOLIDAYGIFT2022_USD seems they diabled the voucher to get neoverb for free
  11. Sonokinetic just uploaded a tutorial and overview of the new free library : https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/instruments/vivace-legacy
  12. https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/instruments/vivace-legacy
  13. wouldn't want to be those guys from Boston Dynamics
  14. maybe it has already began and we are all robots chatting you up online ?
  15. Dorondon


    Many great things started with an ooops
  16. Dorondon


    I Did it Again
  17. Pianobook has a Christmas Calender sample library thing, Day 3 is The Experience -New York S&S Model B by Dore Mark (Kontakt & SFZ) and it's really gorgeous, really smooth and fun to play : https://www.pianobook.co.uk/packs/the-experience-new-york-ss-model-b/
  18. Just seen a video uploaded to Youtube - ETHERA GOLD ATLANTIS 2 - XMAS GIFT this guy is really dedicated to improve his libraries, A Completely New Patch with new samples, and 7 articulations, a new Polyphonic Chant Instrument with Legato mode, created to work with a time Tempo Measure of 6/8 and a Tempo from 70 up to 100 BPM,. It is a perfect addition to create your "The Witcher" Epic Folk Sound. To Install it just download the files, and copy them in the library folder. See the Tutorial !!! IT REQUIRES ATLANTIS 2 !!!! Download the patch here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K6qoNsk0quCSNuw3velUe-At3YRRnT2q/view
  19. also couldn't add it from https://cinesamples.com/product/create-series-toy-xylo as the download link there is broken but going to https://cinesamples.com/products is where the add to cart worked for me
  20. Really appreciate the effort you put into this post, Its a great idea , it's amazing how many free quality libraries you can get if you look. Pianobook really opened my eyes on what sample libraries can be (actually bought kontakt with a large discount with the Embertone crossgrade route which i'll also add to my post right after i discovered about Pianobook ) Many libraries probably wouldn't have been commercially viable but are unique and have many have stories and background to them that really contributes to the experience of playing them Also some of the libraries in Pianobook are really unique and incredibly fun to play ,for those who don't know about Kontakt even if you don't own Kontak you can install the free Kontakt Player and try try the pianobook libraries (even if they are meant for the paid kontakt) for 20 minutes without restrictions, take for example - panjo, a pan-drum and banjo instrument that is just so fun to play or many piano's that have such a unique feel to them
  21. Thanks, More great libraries for the free Kontakt Player: World Colors Clar-Duduk by Evolutionseries : https://www.evolutionseries.com/product/world-colors-clar-duduk/ The Free Orchestra by PROJECTSAM : https://projectsam.com/libraries/the-free-orchestra/ Sirens by Sonixinema (vocal), they also have 3 more free kontakt player libraries in their site : https://sonixinema.com/collections/freebies/products/sirens-freebie Pipe Organ by Sonuscore : https://sonuscore.com/shop/free-pipe-organ/ Edit: Also a fun free Kontakt Player library is Carousel (fairground organ) by sonokinetic : https://www.sonokinetic.net/products/instruments/carousel/ A kind of game and a library - Arcane by Embertone - a little eccentric but i really like the vocals and it's a really fun one, also used this one to get a large discount and crossgrade to the full Kontakt : https://www.embertone.com/instruments/arcane.php A really unique Free (dontationware so can put 0 in price) Kontakt Player piano is the 88E by impactsoundworks (what if you tuned every note on a piano to "E") https://impactsoundworks.com/product/the-88e/
  22. does upgrading to 16 track and than from 16 to studio get you 24 months of update?
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