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Jonathan Wade

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Everything posted by Jonathan Wade

  1. My workaround for now is splitting the songs into individual projects and using a Play List project for the show, but it would be nice to solve the issue still for other projects where that isn't possible
  2. I'm having some SEVERE UI lag when editing midi in the piano roll. This is about a 25 min project and the midi is being used to automate lights, so there's a lot of data, but when I'm monitoring performance of memory, cpu, gpu, etc. none of them are working very hard, usually below 25%. I've tried editing power settings to set everything to max performance, selected my dedicated GPU for cakewalk instead of integrated graphics, etc. but haven't managed to fix the issue. I also didn't notice any of these issues working with the same project on my other PC. This is a clean Windows 11 install. CPU is an AMD Ryzen 7 4800H, 2900 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s), GPU is a GTX 1650, ram is 32gb DDR4 3200mhz
  3. I'm trying to figure out how to quickly edit a bunch of midi notes to all have the same duration. I haven't had any luck with the included midi plugins or CAL scripts, and haven't found any CAL scripts online that allow me to do this. I tried the event list but can only seem to adjust one at a time
  4. update seems to have broken melodyne. Plugin wont follow playback, read previous edits, or transfer audio. Rollback fixed the issue
  5. Update: rolled back from early access update and it's working again
  6. Noticed today that melodyne is now refusing to transfer audio into the plugin, and where audio has already been pitch corrected previously it won't read those changes. It also won't follow playback in cakewalk and just stays at measure 1 while playback continues. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the latest update or not, but it was working fine around a week ago last time I was using it. I'm not having this issue in the standalone app either, only as a plugin inside cakewalk
  7. Sorry to bump a year old thread, but I'm having the same issue with one of my projects and I'm not understanding what you guys did to fix the issue. Any help?
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