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Juice Man

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  1. Hi John. Yep. I am using the Focusrite drivers. It's a real mystery. Hi, Starship Krupa. I don't know. I just don't really like Cakewalk / BandLab. Maybe it has too many features / distractions. I'll try it anyhow and see if it gives me the same problems. We'll see. Thanks, guys!
  2. Hi Greg & Patrick. I am using it standalone and also as a vst. It's very strange. All of my sampling rates are identical and it still does the same thing. In the past, I always used a Scarlett 2i2 and this never happened. Now, I am using a Scarlett Solo and am now having this problem. Could it be an issue with the interface? In theory, the only real difference between Scarlett Solo and Scarlett 2i2 should be the inputs and outputs - hardware. Any other suggestions? I'm stumped. I really appreciate your time, guys!
  3. Hi! I am running SonarArtist as my DAW with Scarlett Solo as the audio interface. In the past I was able to simultanously record and play with Guitar Rig effects running with no problem. Now, when I hit "record" on Sonar, it gives this message, "Unable to Open Audio Record Device". I have attached a screenshot of the error message to this post. Then, I close Guitar Rig and Sonar is able to record, but only with Guitar Rig closed. I am able to play with both programs open simultanously, but not able to record. Does anyone have th solution to this problem? I was able to play and record with both programs open simultanously in the past with my Scarlett 2i2, but it seems that Scarlett Solo won't allow it. Any suggestions? THANKS in advance!
  4. You won't believe this... Someone simply flipped the polarity switch without me knowing. ? I flipped it back to standard mode. How embarrassing! Thank you all for your help, regardless! Too kind!
  5. I have it set like yours, but it's still acting strange. If I choose a piano voice, for example, the notes will mute when I press the pedal. Then when I release the pedal, they will sustain. It is working backwards. Very odd. Any other suggestions?
  6. Now, suddenly, it sort of just behaves somewhat randomly with each instrument.
  7. The pedal is going into a Komplete Kontrol MIDI controller and the controller is going into a Focusrite Scarlett Solo then into a computer.
  8. Now the notes are all sustained when the pedal is NOT engaged. Then, when I press the pedal all of the notes are muted. Very odd. It is a simple "Lead Foot" LFD1-MKII pedal.
  9. Hello, I hope that you all are doing well. For some reason my sustain pedal has suddenly stopped working in the Sonar DAW. I ran MIDI Ox to see if the pedal itself is working. It is. However it reads "portamento" instead of "sustain". I have attached a screen capture from MIDI Ox to this post. The MIDI light meter lights up in Sonar when I press the pedal, but nothing is happening. The pedal also works with my analog devices. Can someone help me out? It also isn't working with Kontakt. Thanks!
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