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Last Call

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Everything posted by Last Call

  1. Great homework mate! Thanks for sharing!
  2. Nah, I never liked Peter nor IK. It’s like talking to a wall, it’s been like that forever. And talking to someone who has the upper hand (for the wrong reasons) and stubborn never leads anywhere, just lost time. I don’t have the time for some hating or the patience for IK OR ANY company to fix their ****. Even Softube without me asking for it fixed Amo Room, by practically rewriting the whole thing… those guys are pros. Just raised my voice to see where IK is at, same hole…
  3. Spire direct link: https://reveal-sound.com/plug-ins/spire
  4. Um, Peter, will you guys ever fix your products? Don't answer me, it's a rhetorical question. I want to say the most obscene things but I want to keep the forum in a good state. (From the double cpu usage bug when you add a new Amplitube instance, which hasn't been fixed for more than a year, to can't open Product Manager message when clicking on Restore Purchases... showing me I am offline... ). Ask me the last time I spent $$$ on your products.... (why pay for useless products...) Again, don't answer me... ?
  5. Shows 399 for the Baby bottle to me. But 139 for the Bluebird, that’s more than a steal, it’s a heinous crime! (Means it’s very very good).
  6. I root for Spain. Turkey ran out of battery on the 2nd half, they need a better physical trainer. (lots of teams reach the finals of any tournament and they literally just walk while the adversary run over them). The Netherlands, if they really out their mind and focus on tve next two latches, they might actually achieve something. But Spain with Guardiola’s school, where everyone participates, move around, know how to receive a ball, lots of passing, is so far the best. Unless they somehow run out of battery too, I find it very hard to see them not winning the Euros.
  7. This made me think if I could use these externally instead of the 2.5” drives I am used to… and also… made me wonder if they could be used with a Mac. Googled it, the can! Found an Acer one, 4tb, way cheaper than Samsung’s, man, I have been procrastinating getting one.
  8. I used now my pc and download button is at the top With my iPhone I didn't see that button at all. Thanks.
  9. Scored!!! (ty my Liege) ?
  10. It was never at least silicon, if I remember correctly. Took them forever but if it says Catalina ready I assume they finally made it native for new Macs. Thank you my liege ?.
  11. But demos sound stellar and you save $70 intro price!
  12. Oh these are NOT the PRO version. Ty. EDIT: Oh PRO or not, they both seem to have issues. Ouch.
  13. Well, it seems you were right, as Bapu gave you a “like”.
  14. Bapu didn't state any conditions to the free serial. Don't be envious, is bad for your soul.
  15. https://web.archive.org/web/20200116200208/https://ru-ru.sennheiser.com/drummica For Windows : https://assets.sennheiser.com/software/drummica.iso or https://sennheiser-assets.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/software/drummica.iso
  16. @You are one of the 20,000 Bedroom Producers Blog readers who will successfully claim their free Fox Echo Chorus license.@ yes!!!
  17. O M G ! Pro with discount code with new account: US $349.30
  18. This is great, I own 2 but never use them coz I am on latest Silicon Mac. And if you say they are your favorite, I can’t that lightly! Thanks for sharing the great news.
  19. Hi MM! What gear ticks all the boxes you mention?
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