When I use the Arpeggiator with an existing Midi track, naturally it modifies the way the notes are played based on the Arpeggiator settings... but. I'm getting a few triplets. which is OK, but what I want to do is to send (record) the Arpeggiator modified Midi to a new track but I can't seem to record this to a new midi. I can send the modified output from the Arpeggiator to an audio track, and could modify that... but what I really want to do is create a midi track with the newly arpeggiated notes and variations so I can modify the midi. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
1. Have existing midi track recorded at another time, messed around with the Arpeggiator, and it adds some notes and other changes to the output; I thought if I could record that as a midi output of some kind, I could then have a new track with the arpeggiated midi notes which I can add or remove notes from.
2. I created a new empty midi track and tried various input and output setting between the new track hoping the new track would record the midi; but it's not happening.
3. I first simply tried just setting the new midi track to record, and since the midi is using an instrument. I tried modifying the instrument track output but there's no setting for that to point it to the new midi track. I tried just using the existing midi track created when an instrument is added (see note below), and tried to record this, to get a midi track to the right of the instrument section... I've done this before; but I think I got lucky because I can't do it again... I'm struggling with learning how calkewalk midi sends can be routed to another track for recording. I seem to be missing some critical understanding. (IOW I presume a mid track can send midi out on some channel, and a new blank midi track could be set to record that midi out, to use it as midi in to record the modified midi track which is modified by the arpeggiator.
I struggled at first to get audio tracks created from a midi track with associated instrument, but I'm started to get that part down.. So, far, I can only create an audio from midi with instrument for one midi/instrument at a time... (I'll learn as I go if it's possible to record, or if the computer can handle creating multiple audio tracks simultaneously; but I suspect this could really drag the system if it's even possible.
So, the audio is being recorded from the master output, and this is great; but, what I can't figure is how to make a midi from a midi track. Copy and paste is great for duplications... but, I want to capture the arpeggiated notes as midi... is this possible... I figure I have to record it; but, how to set up the internal connections for inputs and outputs of the two tracks eludes me. Any help would be appreciated!
Note: when I play my keyboard, or otherwise record a midi track... and want to use a different instrument for playback, I create an instrument track, and point the midi track input to all external, or none, and the midi track output to the instrument track. The instrument track input is "all external", and the output, in my case, is set to my Monitor so I can hear it. (No microphones or monitors are currently being used though I do have a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Studio, Headphone but that is not currently hooked to this machine? ?