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Rick Plester

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  1. Crashing when changing buffer size. ASIO AMD FXtm-8350 8 core memory 32 gb win 64bit sp1 Presonus Studio 192
  2. Hello Carl!!!! Thx for info I was able to reproduce this with no plugs . How do you re profile the audio interface? ( Pre Sonus studio 192) I have been using ASIO only. I re installed the program and still have the issue. Thx!!
  3. I am having an issue when recording audio in latest version I hear it in time while monitoring but after recording its prints late out of time. .I loaded an older version of Sonar (SONAR_Platinum_Setup_23.10.0.14) and it records solid. Same file. I am baffled? Also how can I install an older version of band lab like a few updates ago? Thx Rick
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