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Everything posted by jeffythedragonslayer

  1. Well you can add me to the list of people who believe you ? Ok. I'm not saying I want this - I'm just curious about why the UI works this way and whether anyone has exploited it. I don't see why I would at 64. But maybe someone else would want to in order to create some cool effect unknown to me. I understand everything written here except for scook's message (see below.) I'm just confused about why the UI works the way it does (it looks like a bug to me) and if anyone has found a use case for dithering when going in the opposite direction. So this is a Cakewalk limitation. (I suppose someone can add noise to a signal with low bit depth being converted to high bit depth if they want, but if my understanding is correct here that wouldn't typically be called "dithering." I might just call it upsampling followed by adding noise.)
  2. Well, in that case it's not doing a very good job as it has an easy workaround.
  3. I've noticed that in the Change Audio Format window, the Dither checkbox becomes greyed out when the New Bit Depth is set to 32 or 64. However, I can simply set the bit-depth to 16 or 24, toggle the checkbox, and then change it back to 32 or 64 as a workaround. What is the purpose of greying out the Dither checkbox when it is so easy to bypass? Does anyone ever use dither when converting to a higher bit-depth?
  4. Thanks, this solved my issue. It was extremely counterintuitive to me that the channel dropdown appears when I click its box regardless of where inside, but the patch dropdown appears only when I click the down arrow.
  5. Do you have the posts sorted by date or by votes?
  6. Can you please screenshot the exact button you're referencing?
  7. Hi there, I am trying to change which patch is being used from TTS-1 to something else. I am having trouble understanding this page (https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Dialogs2.045.html) as there are no screenshots. I also do not want to insert a MIDI bank/patch change message somewhere partway through the track - I want the patch of the entire track changed. If I click on the text "Cakewalk TTS-1" it becomes an editable text box, but I'm looking for something more like a dropdown where I can select one of the 128 General MIDI patches.
  8. Ok thanks. I was still curious though so I checked the "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" box in Preferences/MIDI/Devices and auditioning the piano when using Insert->MIDI Track works now too.
  9. Thank you for explaining. I had found this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSQ2YoSDDaE&t=150s) but it sounded like it was about using plugins for a task that should be natively supported. Is there any documentation about how the DAW guesses where to send?
  10. I figured it out. Instead of going to Insert->MIDI Track, I needed to click the "+" here:
  11. I don't how how to do that. I just was hoping I would at least get the midi grand piano instead of silence.
  12. Hi there, I'm trying to learn the new Cakewalk. I am using version 2021.12 Build 102, 64-bit on Windows 10 (winver reporting version 21H2 OS build 19044.1466) I have previous experience with a version from 1993, but the UI has changed too much. When I open an existing MIDI file, I can play it just fine, but I'm having trouble with getting audio when composing something new. I'm not sure if I'm using all the correct terminology, but here are steps I am doing: * Launch Cakewalk by Bandlab (Cakewalk Start Screen appears)' * Select New Project, Empty Project.cwt ("Project Successfully Opened" and "Keep up the momentum" appears in blue box) * Insert->MIDI Track (Track 1 appears) * Double click the Track 1 row below the timeline (piano roll view appears with "Double-click or drag to add articulation") * Audition the piano roll (I'm expecting audio here but hear nothing) * Draw notes on the piano roll timeline (blue rectangles appear) * Play Track 1 (bar graph VU meter lights up with green about 80% high when the timeline cursor passes each note, but still no audio)
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