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Tom Whitten

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Everything posted by Tom Whitten

  1. Thanks for the info. The compression and expansion seems to improve the situation. I did find a velocity range adjustment, it goes from 1-127, it doesn't really change the amount of pressure that needs to be applied.
  2. Not sure if "touch sensitivity" is the right term, but the Scarbee sure takes a lot of force on the keys to get the full sound. I'm curious what parameter would adjust this, or what the correct term would be? I really like the Scarbee sound, hard to play though. Thanks.
  3. Thanks, I'll see if it's possible to use my midi keyboard to do this.
  4. Hello, I'd like to automate my TH3 guitar effects, basically just turn pedals on and off for specific sections of a lead, maybe twist a dial or two also. I'm using the latest CbB, and windows 10. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it, thanks.
  5. Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible to change the font size of Marker text. I find most of the font sizes too small within the CbB, and I don't need reading glasses. Hopefully there's a fix. Thanks folks.
  6. Hey Glenn I was using Komplete Kontrol. I just tried Kontact and it works perfect. Thanks!
  7. Not sure if this is the right section to post this question, I'll be happy to move it if not. I usually only use 1 midi instrument per project, which is simple enough, but everytime I use 2 Komplete instruments, say piano and upright bass, the 2nd instrument gets what I call "scrambled" upon playback. I'm using CbB, fully updated and the Komplete 49 key keyboard. I don't know anything about the inputs and outputs and patches etc on a midi track, which must be the reason I'm having a problem. How should I set the inputs etc on the 2 midi tracks? Thanks!
  8. You're right! It's only a drum kit. Wow, I wasted a whole day looking for something that doesn't exist! Thanks a lot Andres, appreciate the help.
  9. On the same screen that you used in your video, the "Beats" tab, none of my new United Pop beats are showing up in the library, the United Pop kit shows up in the kits list, but the beats themselves are not to be found.
  10. Hi All, I'm trying to install an Adpak for Addictive Drums 2 but only the new kit is showing up in the interface, the beats are not showing up. The installer says everything is installed properly. I assume the midi files are in the wrong place but everything I've read says the midi files are loaded into the interface. I've tried uninstalling AD2 and reinstalling via the Online Installer but nothing changes. The beats are not in the stand alone version either. I'm running the latest version of CbB, a U-Phoria interface, and Windows 10. Thanks everyone.
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