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  1. I looked youtube first but didn't found what I was looking for
  2. The problem was when collapsing the takelanes It didn't kept the one that I selected but selecting with mute worked thanks!
  3. take lanes page 488
  4. I recorded my guitar while looping and got 3 takelanes How do I select the one that I want?
  5. @57Gregy I started another project and do recive sound so I try again with this one and didn't deleteed the tracks and imported again but nothing so then I erase the project and started a new one imported the tracks and now I'm getting sound
  6. I cheked the windows settings but normally works without It, I cheked cakewalk preferences and I deleted and reimported the audio but I'm not getting any sound
  7. I wan't to automate some parameter off graillion 2 that I put in a bus where is the sum of the vocal any idea how to do it?
  8. This redline appears in the clip but isn't a automation It serves to adjust the volume think like envelope so I was restauring deleting nodes and moving it to 0db but in this last one I can't I deleted a node and now I can't drag it help ? I added and image check it never know of this feature so I don't know how to activate it but I can use it because it was already activated
  9. My laptop HP ENVY m6-n113dx Notebook PC (ENERGY STAR) have 12 gb RAM DDR3 1334hz Procesor AMD FX-7500 Radeon R7 10 Compute Cores 4C + 6G 2.10GHZ 750 gb hdd TOSHIBA MQ01ABD075
  10. So I've been all night listening my mixes and I just opened them so eventually the projects reach It's maximum 9 projects and then It kinda freezes loading the project so I started to minimize cakewalk and then It will resume and load correctly then It stopped to work so then I switch between projects and close the ones that I already listen and then It will open the project correctly so I just want to mention that now for a project to load I have to switch to other project and close it and then It will load I wanted to mention It cause I think It can be and issue that could be resolved?
  11. hello guys after playing with no issues only the instrument I duplicated It and started to apper drop-outs then I added a bass sample and It got worse with the drop-outs so I change the buffer size to It's maximum 1024 and still getting alot of drop-outs because of the buffer issue
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