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  1. Sorry - I think my choice of words was misleading. What I meant was: drag a VST instrument onto a midi track to instantly turn it into an instrument track.
  2. OK - so I did as prescribed here and opened the midi file with CbB... not imported. This time, however, the tracks were all midi tracks - not instrument tracks. That might sound reasonable to you seasoned CbB guys but not ideal to me. Possibly (so far) the thing that baffles me the most about CbB is that I can't just drag and drop (or right click and add) an instraument onto a midi track to turn it into an instrument track. Anyway, like I already mentioned previously, if I need to add midi from another DAW again, I'll just save each track as an indvidual midi file and import separately into CbB, one track at a time, which, although is not ideal, at least works. Thanks for your suggestions. UPDATE: it seems I didn't fully explain what I meant above. This is what I actually meant... Possibly (so far) the thing that baffles me the most about CbB is that I can't just drag and drop (or right click and add) a VST instrument onto a midi track to turn it into an instrument track.
  3. Thanks all... I'll give your suggestions a go... As I said, I'm all good now but doing it all over again with your suggestions should prove invaluable. I shall report back when done!
  4. Funny you should mention that. I tried midi 0 at first, which was even more of a nightmare. Then I tried midi 1 - less chaotic but still painful. As I said, eventually ended up saving the tracks individually as midi 1. I have a feeling that you're going to tell me something I wish I had known before the whole saga began!!
  5. I'm relatively new to Cakewalk (by Bandlab or otherwise). Now, I had a midi project saved in another DAW and wanted to get it into CbB. I saved the project as midi (all tracks). Then I imported it into a new CbB project. Over the next several hours I became a quivering wreck! So many strange things happened that I almost started to rethink the menaing of life, let alone how to use a DAW. Anyway, to cut a very long story short, I ended up saving the original project as individual midi tracks, then importing them into CbB one by one. Order was restored. Now, there are 2 ways to look at this: 1. I should have just done this in the first place (the one by one midi files option). But how was I supposed to know an all-in-one midi file would cause so much havoc? or 2. why does CbB let you import an all-in-one midi file in the first place if it's going to behave like a possessed harpy? Anyway, I'm going to try to extract some good out of the whole affair, which is: I did end up learning a lot about CbB, and most of it good. And, yes, I indeed have become a supporter of it. It really is a very good DAW, albeit with a few peculiarities. Hey ho until the next time. ?
  6. I'm a newb to CbB... how is that done? Thanks. ?
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