I'm relatively new to Cakewalk (by Bandlab or otherwise). Now, I had a midi project saved in another DAW and wanted to get it into CbB. I saved the project as midi (all tracks). Then I imported it into a new CbB project. Over the next several hours I became a quivering wreck! So many strange things happened that I almost started to rethink the menaing of life, let alone how to use a DAW. Anyway, to cut a very long story short, I ended up saving the original project as individual midi tracks, then importing them into CbB one by one. Order was restored. Now, there are 2 ways to look at this:
1. I should have just done this in the first place (the one by one midi files option). But how was I supposed to know an all-in-one midi file would cause so much havoc?
2. why does CbB let you import an all-in-one midi file in the first place if it's going to behave like a possessed harpy?
Anyway, I'm going to try to extract some good out of the whole affair, which is: I did end up learning a lot about CbB, and most of it good. And, yes, I indeed have become a supporter of it. It really is a very good DAW, albeit with a few peculiarities.
Hey ho until the next time. ?