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Vladimir Piskunov

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Everything posted by Vladimir Piskunov

  1. Lovely! Seems like their partnership with SSL kicked in in the product, too. Bought.
  2. I use Luna on my Macbook. But on Windows it still behaves weirdly: does not see my RME ADI-2 DAC fs as an audio device. Otherwise, an inspiring DAW for recording and mixing.
  3. Will they be available for Native use? Or only through a subscription? Can't figure out
  4. Not sure if I could share mine since it is iLok. I believe if you commit to posting a video, they will refresh your demo once more. This video on VSE-4 is super insightful! I am travelling now, and use headphones (Neumann NDH30). Now I am hearing and noticing more stuff that you point out in the videos.. Gotta rewatch a few oldies.
  5. Thanks Zo. Exciting stuff! My Trackcomp's review suggestion is still in place though
  6. Would love a video from you. I feel like it deserves one.
  7. I use 3A from Apogee. But this offer is so tempting
  8. Highly suggest Saturate at $20. Love the sound. It has a cool feature — detail preservation. As I got it, Saturate clips different parts of the spectrum independently, leaving some peaks intact.
  9. Claro is great. Three killer features: — auto-gain is precise and is fantastic for tone shaping — frequency masking view is helpful — the limited mode is awesome, curves are great; but you will be fighting the urge to switch to visual EQ I paid around 80 for it.
  10. I get an error when adding the deal to cart Error Number: SIT_000014
  11. Opticom gives a beautiful, dirty texture at medium and slow settings.
  12. Empirical Labs releases the Arousor LT, a trimmed-down version of their AROUSOR plug-in with a limited set of features that retains the same sound character. Arousor LT is available for download as a pre-release beta, with the option to purchase the plug-in at an introductory price of only $49. The purchase of Arousor LT also gets you $49 towards an upgrade to the full AROUSOR! Intro price: $49 $79 For more information: https://www.empiricallabs.com/product/arousor-lt/
  13. Such a beauty! I used to run ID14 mk2, but since I don't record now and don't use any outboard, I switched to RME ADI-2 DAC for monitoring.
  14. I am waiting for their Drum Replacer. Missed the deal back in autumn.
  15. I really like this one. Feels rather transparent even at high reduction; also easy to operate. I would usually pair it with AVA Deesser by Harrison and a bit of dynamic EQ.
  16. Good thing this forum offers a preview when hovering the mouse over a thread!
  17. Well, you can just click the blurred button, and it will bring you to the 0 $ checkout. Have not tried it yet, but saw some mentions @ Facebook that this emulation is a CPU hog.
  18. I have Adam T5Vs. They have decent low end for the size and appealing high end thanks to their tweeter. I like them for causual listening a lot. I have Focal Shape Twins for audio stuff. The Adams obiously lose everything-wise, but once you forget the sound of the Focals, you can enjoy them and even do some serious mixing work.
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