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Everything posted by HeatherHaze

  1. I have another pristine V-Studio VS-700 system I'm about to list for sale. It's complete with VS-700R, VS-700C, cables and manuals included, very clean and fully operational. The VS-700 is still THE best control surface combo for Cakewalk, bar none. The only reason I'm letting it go is because in addition to Cakewalk I also use Cubase, and I needed a surface that worked well with both. I only just unplugged the VS-700C yesterday, so it served me well for about 10 years. I haven't listed it yet but thought I'd put out feelers here in case someone was interested. They're very hard to find, especially in this condition. The system still works great with Windows 10, provided you follow the instructions (available in this forum). Anyway...if you're interested, shoot me a private message or email heatherhaze@aol.com. I'll post images, etc. soonish. Thanks!
  2. UPDATE: Hallelujah. After spending the afternoon banging my head against the desk, I've finally made Cakewalk work again. I uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times. I ran the Cakewalk runtime downloader. I tried the early access version. I cleaned the registry settings. I made sure Windows 10 was fully updated. Finally, after another reinstall, I made some progress. I managed to get to the setup process, so I let it import settings from a (very) old install of Sonar X2. That actually got me into the program, but the driver settings were all crazy. So yet again I uninstalled, deleted the core registry settings, reinstalled...and bingo! It suddenly and inexplicably worked again. I had to redo a number of settings, but not as many as I'd feared. It appears, at least for the moment, that everything is working okay. I just opened one of my more complex projects and it seems fine. I have no idea why this happened. Lucky I guess?
  3. Thanks for the reply. I was running the latest public version. I took your advice and updated to the latest early access release. Sadly, it didn't work. I'm still having the same exact problem. Ugh!
  4. Thanks for the reply. I took your suggestion and found the following error: Faulting application name: Cakewalk.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6189a39d Faulting module name: ucrtbase.dll, version: 10.0.19041.789, time stamp: 0x2bd748bf Exception code: 0xc0000409 Fault offset: 0x000000000007286e Faulting process id: 0x678 Faulting application start time: 0x01d7eec322044615 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Cakewalk.exe Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll Report Id: e95b7b9c-5aa9-4025-947c-49130ad35f49 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:
  5. Thank you for the quick reply, Mark. I tried every step you provided. Unfortunately, nothing worked. Cakewalk still won't run. It looks like it's loading in, then "POOF!" What's the next step? Rescan plugins, maybe? How do I force a rescan?
  6. Today I went to open Cakewalk but it wouldn't run. I see the logo, I see it start to load in...then it just suddenly and completely exits. Poof. I haven't made any drastic changes to my system or VSTs. Cubase runs perfectly fine. I have no idea what happened, but I need it resolved ASAP. Any help? Thanks, Heather
  7. I picked this up during that sale. I have to say it's one of my favorite library purchases. It's a really interesting collection, with a lot of attitude. I love the selection of instruments/combos. It won't replace your other libraries, but it's a flavorful addition.
  8. Okay, I understand. I appreciate your forthright reply. I'm sure you realize this one minor quirk makes Cakewalk unattractive for film composing. It's really a shame, because otherwise I think Cakewalk is absolutely unbeatable. I'm deeply grateful for the fact that Cakewalk continues to exist, but I'm still worried about its future.
  9. Thanks for the reply. I did see this thread first, and tried the various suggestions. Nothing worked. And not to put too fine a point on it, but it's not just a limitation of the Media Foundation engine. Cakewalk (now Bandlab) has chosen to use this engine in spite of its limitations. I know other DAWs that work in Windows don't have the same limitation (i.e. Cubase). So I consider this a limitation of Cakewalk. I don't care what engine they use. I just expect it to work. ? I don't mean to sound cynical. I've been using Cakewalk since version 2.0 for DOS (read: a very long time). It is far and away my favorite DAW, and I'd much prefer to do everything in Cakewalk. That's largely why this little quirk is so frustrating to me.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion. I've tried this and have had this setting active for some time. It doesn't seem to help, the video is still using the Media Foundation engine.
  11. Thanks for the reply Noel (and everyone). The problem isn't only getting the movie to play. Handbrake makes converting almost anything to .mp4 very easy. The problem is I can't move the video in time once it's in Cakewalk. It's just bewildering that this isn't possible. Most of the video I've been given to score needs some lead-in time. But for this one function, I'd happily use Cakewalk in scoring anything. But as it stands, it's not a practical solution. It's impractical to convert files to AVI to score in Cakewalk. It's a minor but important design flaw that I hope Bandlab will rectify. If I didn't have to leave Cakewalk, I never would! Others have mentioned the idea of adding some seconds to the video in another app and then using that in Cakewalk. I've tried this too. But then we have issues syncing the video perfectly to the timecode. It's so easy to do by moving the video to, say, the start of the fifth measure. It's an incredible oversight that this isn't possible in Cakewalk.
  12. I tried rendering the video file down to an AVI but Vegas Pro kept crashing (don't get me started). So I finally threw my hands up and went back to Cubase. Ugh.
  13. Thanks for the reply. I already tried this as well. But the problem is, even with the extra lead-in space burned into the .mp4 I can't align it to the start of the measures. It's just frustrating. I'm now rerendering the file as an .avi which is a royal pain but the only way I can find to make this work. Ugh.
  14. I'm finding working with video in Cakewalk to be a frustrating experience. I'm hoping others can give me some useful insight into things I'm missing here. My main issues are as follows: 1. Cakewalk can't import a .mov file. I'm scoring to picture and have received a .mov file. Cakewalk doesn't like it. This is a common format that many people use to deliver video. This file works fine being dragged and dropped into Cubase. Cakewalk ignores the video but accepts the audio. 2. I must therefore convert the video to .mp4. But when I drop an .mp4 into Cakewalk, it's stuck in time. It's glued to 00:00:00 and can't be moved. This is impractical as I need to move it forward a few measures for lead-in. The video should be able to be relocated on the timeline. 3. If I convert the video to .avi it could work. But the .avi file is 44Gb(!) and takes a while to render. This is obviously an inefficient and impractical solution. There must be a better way? Anybody? I hate working in other DAWs, but it seems like in this case...Cubase might be the way to go. Cakewalk just doesn't seem well-designed for scoring to picture. I sincerely hope some of my wonderful Cakewalk cohorts can prove me wrong and show me the light. I'd much rather work in Cakewalk!
  15. How did you bring the video into Cakewalk? I've found CbB doesn't like the .mov file. But even if I convert it to .m4v I can't move the video in time to create space for a few measures of lead in. It's just a royal pain. I decided to switch to Cubase for this project, which handles video brilliantly. Unfortunately I have a whole bunch of different frustrations with Cubase and would absolutely love to go back to my Cakewalk with this thing. A little insight would be much appreciated.
  16. Yes, my installer seemed to believe it was a first-time install. But I selected "Advanced" for my workspace. When I initially ran Cakewalk and pulled up a project (in "advanced" mode) all of my track icons had been reset to the basic grey defaults. Yikes. What I did was go through and manually set all the icons back the way I wanted them, then overwrote the Advanced workspace view with my preferences. That sort of worked, but I noticed it was overriding my settings on other projects. So then I discovered the "none" option and found that my projects all opened normally under that setting. At this point I cannot seem to reproduce the problem I initially had of all the track icons resetting. In any event, thanks so much for the awesome support. It makes me very, very happy knowing Cakewalk is in such good hands.
  17. Hey Noel. They all reverted to their default icons. For example, I have projects with full orchestra sets, and each track had been set up with the appropriate track icons. After updating, when the workspace came up all the icons had been reset to default. I discovered if I set the workspace to "none" and then bring up the project, everything looks as expected (including track icons). I assume the track icons are being saved as part of a workspace.
  18. You're welcome. I recently found a new problem, with a new solution. The problem is that even though I managed to get my workspace looking more or less right, all my track icons have reset. What a pain in the *****! So the new solution is to set my workspace to "none" and it appears that my projects load in normally without trying to apply a new workspace. Much better and simpler solution. Unfortunately I've already resaved a couple projects with tons of track icons, so now I have to go reset all those. Oh well...
  19. I had the same thing happen and it also freaked me out at first. Apparently there's a new feature called Workspaces. Now here's the good news. You can set up your workspace and save it the way you want it, and all your previous projects will open in that workspace. Look up in the right hand corner of the Cakewalk window, parallel to the File - Edit - Views... etc. menu bar. There's a little dropdown window with options for managing workspaces. Fix your workspace the way you want it, then click New Workspace. I made a new "Heather's Workspace" and now I'm good to go. My projects now open the way I'm used to seeing them. I think it's going to be a useful feature but it definitely had me raging there for a minute. Good luck!
  20. I initially went to Studio One 3, but found it lacking in working with MIDI. I then turned to Cubase 9.5. I'm really impressed with Cubase and would love to work with it more. But when Cakewalk was resuscitated by Bandlab...I gleefully hopped back on the Cakewalk train. Both Studio One and Cubase have their own strengths and weaknesses. I still use Studio One for certain things. The project mode is excellent for mastering. Cubase has a fantastic score editor, and is packed with great features. At the end of the day, though, I'm simply more comfortable with my trusty old Cakewalk. It doesn't hurt that I have a VS-700 console, and that Cakewalk natively supports multi-touch on my Raven. So for me, nothing else really comes close.
  21. I spoke too soon. It's still a bit wonky. Sometimes when I click on a component with the mouse, it works...sometimes it doesn't. When it works it works fine. Still room for improvement.
  22. I just realized a recent update was available. I installed the update and things seem to be back to normal (so far). All good. Here's the update:
  23. You can never have too many plug-ins in the same way you can never have too many cats. Do you really need another cat? No. But they're all different, and they're all adorable in their own way. You'll never regret getting another cat. I mean EQ. Whatever. But other folks are right, the EQ already built into CbB is excellent. But if you feel you need something a bit beefier, by all means, go get it. ~ Heather Haze
  24. Hello everyone. This is my first post in the new forums, after being a member of the old forums for close to 16 years. I just received an email from someone on the old forums asking for help with his VS-700 console. He said the EQ wasn't working correctly. Since I rarely use the Channel Strip Control section, I had to check it out for myself. Sure enough, I discovered a lot of general wonkiness when using ACT with the ProChannel on the VS-700. This used to work fine, so something's changed. Any other VS-700 users experience this problem? Bandlab, any help available with this? Thanks in advance. ~ Heather Haze
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