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Ian Gevaux

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Everything posted by Ian Gevaux

  1. Anyone else experiencing this? Wont play anything.
  2. Thanks, of course, the other way round. Thank you.
  3. Hi, I just imported a vid from my phone, added some tracks and now I want to export as MP4 but I'm getting the attached error message. I attempted different drives, with plenty of space. I disabled all audio compression (if that's what it was referring to) and I even deleted all compressors and tried. Same message. Any help out there people? Thank you
  4. Thank you. Think I've got it back to how I used to have it by "Restore" "Enable Floating" and then maximising the window again. It was driving me bonkers.
  5. How the hell do I dock PRV into the multi dock via clicking? Alt + 3 just briefly turns it into a window but back again. All I want is a - minimise button or similar but I cant for the life of me find anything like it. Thank You.
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