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  1. I'm an active Finale user since 1995. The worst thing for me isn't learning a new program, it is the 3000+ Finale files that I can't open in another program than Finale, you need to have them in XML-format. And import it as XML will only do half the work... I'm glad they changed there mind so you can authorize it in the future. I use the latest version now, but until last year I was using Finale2011 with no problem. Hopefully I can use Finale v27 for another 10 years at least. 🙈
  2. Thanks for letting me in on this project, killer mix by you and Ken! ☺️
  3. Leizer

    Celestial Oblivion

    Thanks Craigb!
  4. It can be worth checking prices at Toontrack's site as well. I got the EZXs there for 74% of the Bestservice price (swedish currency).
  5. Agreed. I booked two items, and ended up buying 4 item, of which none of them were the booked ones. Or, sort of. I bought the bass bundle and had the roundwound bass booked. With the orange slices, the bundle were too cheap to resist. ?
  6. Really pretty and clever arrangement, sounds fantastic in my headphones. Love this song, Daryl!
  7. About Hollywood Pop Brass, is there a way to get the individual instruments playing? In the demos it sounds like everything is doubled in octaves (at least the trumpets), which can be muddy if you want spread voicings with colouring f.e. Blue Street brass seems like a nice VST for softer songs. At a great price!
  8. For a few days more, these Horns VSTs are at sale: https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/cinematic/session-horns-pro/ SESSION HORNS PRO 299,00 € 149,50€ https://impactsoundworks.com/product/straight-ahead-jazz-horns/ Straight Ahead Jazz Horns $249 $169 Any thoughts about these VSTs based on sound quality, realism, ease-to-use and intuitivity? Both of the above I think has nice sounding demo songs. I'm looking for a good, versatile pop brass (EW&F/Chicago style) including saxophones. Currently I'm using Kontakt 5 Factory brass when saxes needed. I am also very impressed by the VHorns demos (saxes+brass section) but the price is much higher. Is it worth it? Do they have sales? I'm not in a rush, but maybe could take the opportunity now when prices are lower. Are there more contenders?
  9. Yes, it seemed like I would. I also upgraded to 5.4.1 and with the boxes UNchecked it worked, no error message. Thanks Promidi! My audio gaps looks to have disappeared as well, maybe they fixed something in an update? Shane, do you have the latest version (
  10. Yes, I have the same problem, got it when I updated to 5.3.9. Its like a 0,5s gap. I have had Soundtoys effects for years and never had any problem before. Also got the "Cannot load preset - unknown error" message when I upload old songs. Already had checked both VST3 Migration boxes, so no luck there.
  11. I don't understand. I have soundtoys 5.2, do I have to pay 499 bucks to upgrade to 5.4? ? What am I missing in 5.2 vs 5.3? I have little plate, do I have to pay 59+59 to get it integrated with the effect rack?
  12. Operating Systems: Mac: macOS Big Sur (11.7.x) — macOS Monterey (12.5.x)* *Supported on Intel Macs & Apple silicon Macs in Rosetta 2 and native. Windows: Windows 10 — Windows 11 Referencing workflow and target library operates with the following products: Ozone 10 Standard and Advanced Neutron 4
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