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Green Needle

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  1. Yes i suspect the same here as it is when the comping and edits are taking place that it slows down a lot.
  2. IMG_8302.MOV IMG_8302.MOV On a separate hard drive from the OS, What is NAS? See attached pic......I use the 'Main Recording Drive' for most projects Also i attached a vid of the save time which isn't toooooo bad in this project compared to some.
  3. No, it has been the same across a couple computers, They are big projects is all, some live shows, some sessions with multiple songs.
  4. What's the difference in speed? They seem the same to me, the regular save and the autosave are equally painfully slow. Also when i uninstalled the New Sonar demo it uninstalled some old plugins with it like channel tools.
  5. Same old graphics problems (crossfade glitches) on this version. Why? Hopefully the autosave is quicker and doesn't cripple the workflow every time it runs(excruciating), but i won't be able to tell that unless i buy, which i won't, because the graphics are a major issue. This is a shame, i had high hopes of this getting fixed, otherwise this is a great program which is smartly designed. I have submitted tickets about the crossfade issue before and it was acknowledges that the program should NOT behave like this. But it's not fixed.
  6. Do we have to uninstall the free version if we install the new on, will it overwrite the free one or parts of it? Will there be conflicts if we have both installed? Is there a demo or 'try before buy' option on Sonar?
  7. No i mean the one where if you have cross fades 'on' in a big project the fade lines do not fade symmetrically clip to clip, one will go more or less than the other and often if you grad a clip and slide it into another hoping to cross fade them, on the right one, the fade 'right to left' will go to some weird unknown spot way down the line. Totally unpredictable and buggy stuff. Also can you speed the hell up out of the auto save?
  8. Are the graphics better? Is the buggy crossfade problem fixed?
  9. Build 24 02 098 If i open up a track with multiple takes on it that are not grouped, then i use the comp tool to select a portion of one of the clips, all the other takes are then added to a new group the size of the selection i made, they are not unmuted but just become part of a track group. Is this a setting i can turn off?
  10. John, all i did was install 2022.11 right overtop of the latest, works like a charm. No roll back driver or anything. Still authorized and getting work done....
  11. Dude. I feel ya. Did you try reverting back to 2022.11? it works-no pop up. Honestly this is such a let down from this company.
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