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  1. I seem to recall that ShareDriversWithOtherPrograms has the opposite effect than what you might have expected. I would try unchecking that option. LOL, that worked BTW: I'm still using Sonar Platinum instead of updating (?) to BandLab; even when updating commercial versions of Sonar, the new bugs outweighed the new 'features' and redesigns. I'm wary of switching to free software from a (likely) completely new team of developers. Should I take the plunge?
  2. Sonar is silenced when another Windows app is switched to, unless it's playing back a recording. But I'd like to be able to play keyboard and guitars setup in it without keeping it topmost on the desktop, like while watching youtube or something or just reading the news. Sometimes it seems to allow this on first loadup, but stops after a single playback, so I suspect it's *possible*. I'm using ASIO and have ShareDriversWithOtherPrograms checked.
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