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Everything posted by SonicClang

  1. I've been using Cakewalk software since 1998 and I had no idea what the CAL option on the menu was for! I just used this and it saved my midi! Thank you!!!
  2. That's exactly the way it worked initially. I didn't have to select anything on the export screen. Just export the audio and bam, there was it. Beautiful. But then I added a second arrangement it's all messed up now.
  3. I've recently started using the arrangement track and it's great! I use the "Export as Audio" option and it exported just what I put together for my arrangement. But a problem started once I added a second arrangement. It keeps adding a bunch of silent audio at the end of the exported audio, no matter which arrangement I select. On the Export Audio screen, I've tried every option I can think of. Keeping just the arrangement I want to export checked Changing the Range dropdown from Entire Project to Time Selection and selecting my Start and End markers. There are no rogue envelop nodes past the End marker, either in the tracks or the master buses. I deleted all but one arrangement and it STILL added the extra silence! It's like my project has gone past a point of no return. No matter what I do, there's a bunch of silence at the end. And I can tell it's doing it while exporting because it takes way longer. I need help!
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