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  1. Earl

    Audient ID 22 audio drop outs

    Hi Mark, sorry for the late reply. I haven't been on this since last year. I was too frustrating because nothing seems to help. Yes, I think we've got the same drivers for ID 4 and ID 22. I updated the bios, drivers, chipset, but still have the same problems. At a CPU load of anything above 50% the pops occurs and working in cakewalk is not enjoyable anymore. I made two screenshots of latency mon. Following the suggestions there didn't help either. I could not find any CPU throttling in the system. Unfortunately in the BIOS there is no option to change anything relating to the CPU. The driver seem to react quite slowly - compared to yours. What are your suggestions about this?
  2. Earl

    Audient ID 22 audio drop outs

    Hi John, no TTS-1 in use here. The interface has it's own power supply. I'll try changing the cable. Thank you for your help!
  3. Earl

    Audient ID 22 audio drop outs

    I'm trying again right now - using different FX. It runs stable using only audio and multiple fx plugins. The first crackles come at around 70% CPU usage when I play a software sample instrument or even an external synthesizer. I guess that's normal. At 88.2kHz it seems to be similar. So it might be 3rd party plugins that cause trouble. I will check and tell you if there is any improval.
  4. Earl

    Audient ID 22 audio drop outs

    Just changed the port - without any positive effect ?
  5. Earl

    Audient ID 22 audio drop outs

    I've just tried. I recorded a track and dublicated it 10 times with a fx strip I build. The CPU was then by 50-55% and the audio starts to crackle again. I wonder if it's any of the plugins that cause trouble.
  6. Earl

    Audient ID 22 audio drop outs

    Hi John, thank you! That's a great idea. There should be someone I can ask tomorrow. I try to change the USB port first. I didn't think about that.
  7. Earl

    Audient ID 22 audio drop outs

    Hi scook, thank you for your quick reply. MaskDropoutDetection doesn't solve the problem. latencymon say the system ist alright. I've tried to reduce all other processes running on the PC although. Sorry for beeing unprecise. It's not real audio drop outs. Its crackling. At the buffer size of 2048 there are only few cracks at a CPU usage of about 50%. Any lower buffer size leads to crackling and higher CPU of course. I'm not sure if this is the best solution. The project is at 88.2 kHz at 24 bit and quite a few tracks and effects too. But in my expirience there should be more possible. Or is fluent audio only possible at CPU rates lower than 60%?
  8. Dear All, I use a audient ID 22 since a couple of years. The sound is amazing. But unfortunately it`s unusable for my audio productions at the moment. I switched to Cakewalk by Bandlab some time ago. No matter what I do the audio is crackling and droping out. I tried everything obvious like changing the buffer size, updates, freezing audio tracks and so on, but nothing helps. I even bought a new Laptop with a AMD Ryzen4700U processor and 16 GB RAM because I thought the problems came form a too slow computer. But still the same crackling occurs continuesly. Even with the CPU at 50% its crackling. As I read in the cakewalk forum there are similar problems for other Audient (especially EVO) users. Apperently it`s the audient driver. I just updated mine without any effect. Could you please assist me? I really want to continue using my beloved Audient ID22 and the now familiar great Cakewalk DAW. Kind regards from Würzburg, Germany Earl Sebastian
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