I haven't used Cakewalk since Pro Audio 7 a couple of decades ago, so I have forgotten many basics. I know that I used to use the select tool (at least I think it was the select tool) in staff view to listen to the project. Just left clicking somewhere in the score would "preview" just the notes present at that time and click and drag would preview in the tempo and direction I moved the mouse. How do I do that now?
I'm also curious about how to add chords in staff view or rather how to do it more efficiently. The method I currently use involves closing Cakewalk and opening the file in Musescore. I know I can click Chords > left click > right click > edit, but that's a pretty broken way of doing it ? Are there keyboard shortcuts for this that I haven't found? Like if I insert one chord with the mouse can I then step forward with the keyboard and insert the next somehow?
Ps. Not talking about the guitar chords, just inserting chord names (G7).