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Everything posted by Sam

  1. My scenario: I'm recording a guitar with two mics and usually record this on two separate tracks so that I can process them separately. When editing takes this is less than ideal but it's how I've been working for a while now, but I'm looking to improve my workflow. So I'm looking to split them up based on panning so that I can edit takes simultaneously. Attempted solution: I've recorded a track as a stereo audio file and created two buses - one for left and one for right. In each of these buses I've added a channel matrix which only allows through the left or right channel, accordingly. The buses are sent pre-fader and the track's volume is turned to -inf. The problem: when I solo eg the L channel, I can still hear a tiny bit of what is supposed to be on the right. Questions: 1. Is there something obvious I might have done wrong that means what I'm expecting to be on the right channel is slightly within the left too, making them impossible to separate? 2. Is there a better solution? Thanks guys!
  2. Hi there guys. Just a small question, but a very annoying issue: So, sometimes I turn my computer on and start up Cakewalk without first turning on my audio interface, which I use as my output. This leads to the dreaded There are no audio devices for the current driver model on your system. error message. Going into preferences, I find that it appears under MIDI devices, already checked, but doesn't appear at all under audio drivers. I've tried closing and reopening Cakewalk in this scenario, but that doesn't change anything. The only way to get it to recognise the audio interface properly again is to restart my computer, which is obviously very annoying. So does anyone know of an alternative method that doesn't require a restart almost every time I turn my computer on?
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