I'm trying to use a Hammond SKX to control the B-3X in Cakewalk. The B-3X has a profile mode where I can select the SK profile so that all the traditional Hammond controls (C/V, Perc, Leslie Speed, etc) will then control all the corresponding controls in the B-3X. This works great if I use it in Gig Performer, but that's a live VST Host, and I only want to use the SKX this way when recording. In CW, it doesn't work. The SKX sends NPRNs and how CW interprets those messages appears to be the problem.
For example, in GP, hitting the SKX's Upper Manual C/V on switch sends this message:
CC99 Non-registered Parameter (coarse): 2 channel 1
CC98 Non-registered Parameter (fine): 9 channel 1
CC6 Data Entry (coarse): 1 channel 1
CW shows the message this way:
Ch:1, Kind: NRPN, Data: MIDI CC 0|111
Anyone have any solutions / work-arounds?