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Greg McGuirk

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  1. I think so. It was a beast when I bought it, but it's a few years old now (& still going strong! Gotta love Studio Cat machines!) i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz w/ 64 GB RAM.
  2. Thanks for the reply. That actually makes a lot of sense as I think about it. I'm using the midi ports from my RME RayDat card. I also have a motu micro express. I would think either of them can handle a lot of data like that.
  3. I'm considering purchasing a Roli Seaboard 2. I'm intrigued by MPE, but haven't really done any research on it. Is Sonar able to handle the kind of data it puts out? Is it just a ton of pitch, CC & aftertouch data or is there other info? Thanks in advance for sharing any insights or experience with it. greg
  4. I contacted support since I got no response here. Seems to be a rare, quirky issue but I figured it out with the help of tech support. So, if anyone else ever runs across this issue... If you want to use the PolyBrute without the Connect VST, you’ll need to enable the MIDI In & Out drivers. But if you want to use the Connect VST (I always do), you’ll need to make sure that the PB Midi Out driver and PB VST driver (both in & out) are disabled. Note that the PB Midi In driver needs to be enabled, however. The PB Connect VST loads its own PB Connect driver when it is instantiated, so that’s why the other drivers should not be loaded. I hope all that makes sense! greg
  5. I can't seem to get Polybrute's VST software (Polybrute Connect) to work in Sonar (vr 2024.08, Build 19). I just updated the PB's firmware and the PBC software. It works fine in Cakewalk by Bandlab (2024.07, Build 108). Anyone else have this- is it working for you?
  6. Thanks. So if I understand you correctly, the values CW shows are the same as what GP shows. If that's true, I wonder why the SKX controls don't map correctly to B-3X in CW when they do in GP. Any suggestions on what to troubleshoot?
  7. I'm trying to use a Hammond SKX to control the B-3X in Cakewalk. The B-3X has a profile mode where I can select the SK profile so that all the traditional Hammond controls (C/V, Perc, Leslie Speed, etc) will then control all the corresponding controls in the B-3X. This works great if I use it in Gig Performer, but that's a live VST Host, and I only want to use the SKX this way when recording. In CW, it doesn't work. The SKX sends NPRNs and how CW interprets those messages appears to be the problem. For example, in GP, hitting the SKX's Upper Manual C/V on switch sends this message: CC99 Non-registered Parameter (coarse): 2 channel 1 CC98 Non-registered Parameter (fine): 9 channel 1 CC6 Data Entry (coarse): 1 channel 1 CW shows the message this way: Ch:1, Kind: NRPN, Data: MIDI CC 0|111 Anyone have any solutions / work-arounds? thanks, greg
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