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Everything posted by Mintaka

  1. Thats exacly what happened in my testing, thank you for the explanation
  2. I got more Information on the error now: It only crashes if I try to play using Cakewalk TTS-1 (Error: c0000005) (It also mentions the TTS-1.ddl as a Problem.) Any Ideas?
  3. Hey, I'm pretty new to cakewalk I just recorded a MIDI track, using my keyboard (Yamaha DGX-305) and everything worked fine. Now I wanted to record another MIDI track, using the same keyboard (but another VSTi instrument). First I choosed "MIDI Omni" as the input channel for both tracks which ended in a fatal error. Then I choosed "MIDI-Channel 1" for the first track and "MIDI-Channel 2" for the second. This didn't end in an error but I couldn't hear any sounds from the second track, while playing the keyboard (input echo was enabled). Choosing any other MIDI-Channel than "MIDI-Channel 1" endet up with me hearing no sound at all (even for the first track). "MIDI-Channel 2" for the first track and "MIDI-Channel 1" for the second also ended with a fatal error. Can someone explain this to me, please? And is there a solution to my problem? Thank you for your help
  4. Thank you, this is pretty cool I will definately look into that.
  5. Thank you for your answer What do you mean with "square or triangle tone"? Sorry, im pretty new to this kind of stuff.
  6. Thank you for your great help I just tested recording with the lowest key pressure I could do. The recorded notes have a velocity of 1 so I cant imagine a problem with sending fixed velocity values. My keyboard is a Yamaha DGX-305. Im using the standard "Piano 1" instrument from Cakewalk, so I imagine your idea about the VSTi might seem right, msmcleod. The notes with a velocity of 1 just seem to loud for my taste (turning down the volume doesnt seem to be a good solution because then it just sounds to quiet in general). Maybe I am just used to my Keyboards real velocity/volume range. Normally I can play very softly and quiet but also very loud. This just does not seem to work the same way with the VSTi. I tested it with some other intruments and they all had the same problem while the organ was the most extreme (it responds to higher velocity but the lower ones are fixed to a relatively high volume level). This supports the theory, msmcleod discribed. So I imagine, there is no real way around it? I am really greatful for you help this far, thank you
  7. Hey Im new to Cakewalk and forums in general and not a native english speaker so please excuse trivial questions or bad language. ? I was trying to record a song using a MIDI keybord. Everything's working fine but no matter how softly I touch the keys, the minimum volume ist set to a certain value. There doesnt seem to be such a threshold for high velocities. Is there a way to change the Volume/Velocity threshold? Thank you for your help and have a nice day
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