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Everything posted by MichelCA

  1. So by doing that my picture or icon will look with that nice light and shade effects like cakewalk default template icons?
  2. Sure, the best information it always comes from this forum. About the makn topic, It's a hidden feature by the way, I tried to find it but I'd never think that option is under the name "Event Filter MIDI FX* it you wouldn't tell me ?
  3. That explains why I couldn't find that path. I have the latest update by bandlab, I hope they consider the icons pack location in a near future for customization
  4. Is there any new information about the icons route?
  5. You are a genius!! thank you man it worked perfectly! that's what I wanted
  6. Hi i'm using a plugin/vst which it has a string quartet preset that fits perfect to the music and the project I'm working on. So basically what I've done until now is making 4 separated tracks with different midi channel inputs to have different instruments such as violin, viola, etc. I can make them sound at the same time when I play (that's what I wanted), but now I want to set a specific range for each individual track i.e : Track 1 violin starting from G4 to D6, track 2 viola from C3 to G4, track 3... and so and so. This way I can play all the 4 instruments at once with several split points and not like layers. Because at the moment they sound all together in the same range and I don't like that. Is there any solution? I could do this on FL studio but i don't know how this work in cakewalk.
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