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Patricio Campos

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  1. well, at least Polymax was already used.?
  2. Why there is a farting boy in the thread's title?
  3. I never used a paid script... actually almost no scripts at all and it covers everything for me. The only additional thing I use is the SWS add-on which is free.
  4. If you switch you will not look back
  5. Thanks, great offer for current 32C users waiting for an upgrade discount. This is way cheaper than the discounted upgrade license and you get SSL plugins. Wait... I thought it was for the 32C DAW, sorry. Then is a not so good offer.
  6. That's odd, their support has been always superb to my requests. Maybe if you post in Facebook Slate Audio Dojo group you can get a solution, Steven Slate is always reading those posts.
  7. Pal, you will never regret buying this. It's a game changer. An after using you will find that you will not need a lot of plugins to get an excellent mix. At least for me, after using it I use less and less plugins.
  8. This is a no brainer. I am using VSX since its Founders Edition. This is a must for everyone, even the few ones with a perfect acoustic treated room with perfect monitor.
  9. For typical EQ corrections, Reaper's stock EQ. For sound sculpt I use many others starting with channel strip EQ (bx_console Focusrite SC, bx_console N, bx_console SSL 4000 E-G, Neutron, Ozone EQ, etc)
  10. Agreed. This is just a basic (digital AFAIK) EQ with nothing special.
  11. I had it like 4 or 5 years ago for 2 years. It was really good value for the money, but I could hardly justify the expense considering that for me this is a hobby I dedicate less than a couple of hours weekly (with luck). So I finished my subscription. Then I had to replace the plugins in my unfinished projects (almost all of my projects...) because buying them was cost prohibitive for me. Then I promised my self to never suscribe to plugins. But... the plugins were amazing, then I saved and bough VML-1 and VSX, both amazing products I couldn't live without it.
  12. Well, actually with the way Reaper handles audio media there shouldn't be a noticeable overhead with the way it handles mono sources. You can search about mono tracks in Reaper forums and there you will find lots of explanations and information regarding the topic. But as I said, you (meaning Reaper users) don't need a special Mono track in order to work with mono sources/plugins. That is why Reaper will never have that kind of tracks. Actually Reaper will never have any sort of track 'types'.
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