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FIP GeBall

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Everything posted by FIP GeBall

  1. Anyone know how to change the color of Markers in Cakewalk? I know I've done this before but cant remember how I did it.
  2. Hello Fellow Cakewalkers, Does anyone know how to expand the height of the modules within each strip of the Console View? For example: You can see by the picture I've attached I've got waste space above the Gain and Pan knobs at the top. I'd like to be able to expand the height of my FX bin as I've got more plugs in the bin then are shown (I know we can scroll, but it would be better if I didn't have too, and could just expand the height of the FX bin so all current plug-ins in the strip are visible without having to scroll.
  3. Hi @Lombardi - Within your project click the <Track View> button, click on <Options>, then click on <Stop at Project End>. This should hopefully give you the functionality you seek. Best Regards.
  4. Off topic, but how did you get your faders that color????
  5. It sounds as if it's time to consider a PC upgrade. I upgraded my PC hardware and built a new server last year (2020), it's been the best decision I've made... Cakewalk is a MONSTER - zero issues thus far. I'm currently mixing a project with over 87 tracks and massive amounts of heavy duty high quality plugins (zero dropouts, cpu usage barely reaches 14%). You'll find that having professional hardware (I/O devices, PC components, DSP device etc.) makes a massive difference in how any software performs. Cakewalk requires resources, and not having enough memory or an extremely fast CPU can limit your ability to use the software carefree (to it's fullest). I say all this lightly, as I know from experience it's expensive to do. I saved up for years to get the hardware I longed for, so I know budgeting definitely plays a role.
  6. Open up the latest Waves Central version 12.0.11 | 2020; in the far left lower corner you'll see the gear icon labeled "Settings" click this, then you'll see in blue letters -at the top far right the word "repair" click on this and Waves Central will repair all of your installed waves plug-ins. Hope this fixes your issue. Best Regards,
  7. Hi Darcy, Are you using a SoundGrid I/O or Waves Server for plug-in offloads? If so, you will get this error if opening a project before you turn your hardware units on. You'll have to make sure all your external hardware units are turned on and operational first before loading a project which contains StudioRack or any plug-ins being offloaded for processing.
  8. I'm using them quite often; I've had no issue with them, they work great.
  9. Hi Mark, It's an idea for another convenience. I too use Busses, but I'm not a fan of having the busses visible while I'm mixing, I like to keep the bus pull-out closed, especially when I have 87 tracks to mix; I'd rather use that space for my tracks in console view instead. What I'm speaking of are just folder mix module buttons that stay stagnant at the top of the console view. If you zoom in on the picture I attached you'll see the illustration I diagrammed in to demonstrate.
  10. It could be the way I explained it. There would be no scrolling at all; the folder mix modules would just be located on the strip at the top of the Console view. Not sure if you saw my picture, but you'll have to click on it and then zoom in to see the illustration I diagrammed at the top of Console view showing the idea I was referring too.
  11. Actually I do send all my drums to a drum BUS etc., as well as separate Busses for instruments, vocals etc., My reason for the request is that when I'm in Console View with a project that has 87+ Tracks to have to scroll all the way over to the BUS window or even pull it out from hiding on the far right is a moment to tedious at times. It would be nice to have the mix module controls of track folders stagnant in a central location illustrated for a quick and easy use, and I don't have to scroll away from the tracks I'm currently working on.
  12. Does anyone know what this error message means and how I can get rid of it: "Channel name contains illegal characters and won't be changed" It started after my upgrade to 11.2020. I haven't changed any Track names on this project since the last update (not sure what it means by "channel"), and all was fine before the upgrade. Sincerely, FIP GeBall
  13. Harry C. I love this idea! It’s perfect for gain staging use, especially for those who are use to reading VU meters versus the digital method. I use Pro-Channel a lot, especially the EQ, just to clean up the low end before I add any plug-ins to the FX Bin, and actually use the little EQ window as a quick way to open the large pro-channel EQ plugin without having to slide open the pro-channel track column. I think the Bakers should implement your idea, but also keep the pro-channel EQ window as well; they should make it so there’s a drop menu and each person can choose what they want to show in the window. Sincerely, FIP GeBall
  14. Dear Bakers, I have an idea for a TOTALLY COOL New Feature for 'Console View'! Let's say I've created several Folders in Track View, each Folder contains it's own corresponding audio tracks like the ones listed below. FOLDERS: DRUMS (contains all drum tracks) INSTRUMENTS (contains all the instrument tracks) MAIN VOX (contains all the main vocals) BACK VOCALS (contains all the background vocals) Wouldn't it be cool if once I'm done with all my tracking, I could switch over to 'Console View' to start mixing, but still have the ability to quickly control all Track Folders without having to leave Console View. Just by adding simple Mix Module controls for each Folder at the top of the Console View title bar. Please see my illustration below for more details (We probably wouldn't want to include the 'Record' button for this view, so please disregard that in the picture). How cool and efficient would it be during mixing to be able to solo all the DRUMS in the drum Folder from within Console View, without having to highlight all drum tracks or flip back over to Track view to do it. Whatever Folders are created in Track View, Cakewalk automatically creates listings for them on the title bar of Console View; each with their own mix module controls - See Figure 1. I hope others love this idea as much as I do ?! Figure 1.
  15. [Disregard this post, issue was on my side] When downloading the Early Access files, is it possible to program the download so it asks me where I want the file to be stored? Its automatically placing the file in my Download folder. However its creating a New 'Cakewalk' folder in there, instead of using the existing Cakewalk folder I already have in there (so its duplicating my folders, and I like to keep my folder arrays clean and organized. It's better for me if I get to choose where the file is to be stored. Sincerely,
  16. Thanks Noel, LOL... You are correct, I was a little too quick to leave the webpage and did not scroll down and read the solutions. I have the buffer size set right now at 364 and all is running smoothly. The drive is one of my WD Black 1TB Drives. Thanks for the lingo correction I'll keep that in mind going forward. Best Regards,
  17. Scook, You're Awesome! I increased my playback buffer size from 256 to 512; Fixed the issue in seconds! It's always the little things (like the last screw that just would come out... LOL).
  18. Hi Scook, I did not, Thanks for asking. I went to that site after clicking help last night but didn't read it as it looked like the old Gibson Cakewalk site (my mistake). Plus I t didn't even scroll down I just left the webpage. But now I see what you mean and with code 5 it looks as if my hard drive is not keeping up. I'll adjust my buffer size and see if that helps. Glad to know the Help site is a real thing. Thanks again! Hi Noel, Thanks for the response. I updated to release 2020.10 EA last night after writing my post and the issue still remains. If the dropout code is the number listed in parenthesis then that # is 5
  19. Feature Request: Hello Bakers, Can we please make it where when choosing Inputs or Outputs for Tracks we can use the mouse wheel to scroll through the list? Even better: Could you place each section of the input/output lists in collapsible/expandable format, so if I'm looking to choose Channels I can expand the channel list, same method for choosing Buses and Auxes (each would have their own collapsible list once we click on the input or output arrow within a Track). Most appreciated!
  20. Hi Noel, Thanks for the response. I updated to release 2020.10 EA last night after writing my post and the issue still remains. If the dropout code is the number listed in parenthesis then that # is 5
  21. Hi Everyone, Hoping someone can assist me with an issue I'm having in Cakewalk 2020.09 version. My total project has about 67 Tracks. 3 of those tracks have Take Lanes which have not yet been committed (Flatten) as I'm currently working on comps for various background vocal harmonies. The tracks are as follows: Track 55 has 15 Take Lanes Track 56 has 31 Take Lanes Track 57 has 63 Take Lanes The playback audio engine worked excellent when playing the entire project until I finished recording Track 57's 63 Lanes. After recording and hitting playback, the Audio Engine Drops Out about 2 seconds in. I did not have this issue before recording the last Track's takes. I noticed if I Archive Track 57 the entire project plays smoothly again with no issues. I haven't been able to figure out which Take Lane(s) within Track 57 are causing the issue. Anyone else ever experienced this? Here are my system specs: Cakewalk by Bandlab 2020.09 ROG Rampage V Edition 10 Motherboard Intel 17-6950X CPU 10 Core/ 20 Thread/ 40 Lanes 128GB G. Skill DDR4 3200Mhz Memory Nvidia RTX 2070 Super GPU Samsung 970 Pro 1TB M.2 SSD (5) WD 1TB Black Drives SoundGrid Studio 64 Channel DSP Waves SoundGrid Extreme Server V2 DigiGrid IOX 12 Channel I/O (Master Clock) E-MU 1820 Interface
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