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Greg Graves

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Everything posted by Greg Graves

  1. OH! "Always echo selected MIDI track" in Preferences fixes that issue. Don't know how that setting got changed..........
  2. Ok, midi echo was off on all midi tracks. I don't recall having to activate/deactivate midi echo in the past. I recall that ONLY the soft-synth located on the selected track played, not all of them that had 'midi echo' enabled. Seems like an extra step to deal with. I get how to work this (now, thanks) but this seems to be some change in software (???). attached audio file is from my Two Worlds album from Five Foot Wall band. Whatcha Gonna Do 128.mp3
  3. If I hit Record, and mash keys on the controller, the MIDI data is updated, and the soft synth plays. I guess the problem is that the soft synths receive data but don't output audio.
  4. If I play the track containg previously recorded MIDI data, the keyboards work fine. If I depress a key on the controller while viewing the Piano Roll, the depressed key changes from white to gray ... which indicates (to me) that the controller is properly sending and CWbB is receiving. However, the recipient MIDI software makes no sound. This is happening on all my soft synths. I've spent 2 hours trying to resolve issue via Preferences and the soft synths themselves, but to no avail. I've been using this software for over 20 years and never had this problem, thus this post.
  5. Load the Assistant, click the tab, select refresh activation. I'm posting this because it said SOLVED and I had to read all this stuff, rather than get a simple answer. As far as being 'offline', why would you want to do that? What if you need some help? Or Addictive Drums goes deactivated?
  6. I have 2019.12. Is that the last version that ran on Win7?
  7. Please let me know how this goes, as it is my current understanding that SPLAT and likely BandlabCake are tied to your mobo ID signature, and WILL NOT migrate. Hope I am wrong here, but would really like to know.
  8. Dude! First off, you can simply insert Ozone on the Master Buss when the mix is complete. Secondly, novice use of Ozone is FULL of pitfalls, like the 'louder is better' trap and wind up smashing the mix into a squashed wave with Ozone's limiter. Use K14 on your meters. Lastly, unless you have some really good monitors, and you have tested your listening environment with RoomEQWizard 5.0 or the like, your mastering efforts are doomed.
  9. Bandlab assistant will NOT let me log-in, authorization error. However, if I do the Facebook login, I could actually get in and update the app. Weird.
  10. How do you update the program? Bandlab Assistant was updated ... today. When prompted for password, it reports 'Authorization Error'. If I click 'forgot password', I log into my webpage, as if my password was somehow valid. While logged in, I can successfully change my password, but Bandlab Assistant still says "Authorization Error' with the new password. Huh? What am I missing?
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