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Matthew Sorrels

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Everything posted by Matthew Sorrels

  1. Did you delete your East West data folder at c:\ProgramData\East West Personally I'd uninstall Play and Spaces II (if you have it) and the East West Installation Center. Then I'd delete the entire "c:\ProgramData\East West", then I'd reboot and reinstall Play. The Play VST DLLs have nothing to do with your problem because you said the problem happens in the Stand alone version, which doesn't use any of the VST plugins. But the database of what is what is all stored in c:\ProgramData\East West and if that's borked things like WordBuilder won't work. Play may not realize that the patch you have loaded needs/supports the WordBuilder function if the databases it uses to decide that aren't working right. If it's not that then there is something wrong with your sound library (the larger download) itself (corrupt files/etc) In which case you'll need to redownload and/or re-install it. Pretty much the only shot you have at fixing this is clean everything and reinstall. You might be able to cut some corners depending on what exactly is wrong but I doubt there is any end user way to fix this problem so I doubt anyone on these forums can help you all that much. So I'd again stress you should open an actual support ticket with them. Good luck.
  2. I have V6 and it says $199. Seems a bit pricey.
  3. I gave it a try when I saw your message but everything seemed fine for me with Play 6.1.0 and CbB Might help if you said exactly which of the WB patches you are loading (I tested a few of them). As a rule I'd say your problem is most likely the library's install itself (maybe re-download it using the EW Installation Center?). You really should just open a ticket with EastWest, I suspect they have actually seen/dealt with your problem before. Their forum isn't the recommend route for any support.
  4. New Cubase 10 update https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads/cubase_10.html Only thing on the change list I think I care about is they added some things to the right click menu.
  5. No one seems to use it. Not really sure why. Since I broke down and got Albion II this morning it's not for me, but I wonder if I would have decided to get this if timing was a bit different.
  6. I waited for a while on a lower than $199 upgrade price but gave up in Feb and bought the upgrade (from Sound Forge 9). Then in March they announced 13 with free upgrades for purchases. I asked the sales team this morning and was told there was no grace period and the upgrade service you might see mentioned on the Sound Forge Pro pages, doesn't apply to Sound Forge Pro. They seem to be following a no discount but they might bundle/include some other thing as a sweeter sales approach (at least with Acid, so I'm guessing they may follow the same with SF). Sound Forge Pro 12 was release in April 2018. So this is pretty much exactly one year. Which means they aren't trying to make a product release with great new features and improvements that convinces people to buy it, but rather they are hitting subscription driven milestones. I suspect their discounting/pricing is so bad because they want to sell the subscription version. Releasing a new version every year with a full priced upgrade means they don't have to fix any bugs in previous versions/support them at all. So if you are using it seriously, you are out $200/year. Which not surprisingly is more than their subscription plan but not as much more as you'd think, that $9.99 price is a "special" the normal sub price is $14.99/$19.99 depending on length of commitment. I wanted 64bit and I got it with 12, but I don't see any more paid upgrades in my future. I don't have a problem with products that are sold on a subscription basis, but trying to also sell the exact same thing as an outright purchase can be difficult. I don't think Magix have found a viable approach yet.
  7. Captain Chords and Melodyne 4 Studio work for me in the most recent CbB. The errors your reporting definitely aren't inside any of the Captain Chord binaries. You might want to search your system and see if you have a Fantom VS.dll or ARX.DLL vst. Not sure why you'd have those but those error message are definitely related to the Roland VS-700 and/or Roland Fantom VS ARX editor. Might be part of something else you installed (Roland Cloud maybe)? Software developers rarely support any DAWs directly. It's not just Cakewalk. Captain Chords does work in Cubase but it's window resize option doesn't (resize does work in CbB). I sent them a note about it and the only response was they forwarded my message to their development team. So they aren't even really supporting Cubase (it's still broken 6 months and several updates later) and works even less in REAPER. I'm not sure there is a DAW you can choose that won't have some issues with some products.
  8. Searching for "ARX MIDI" turns this up: https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/20090609/ARX-MIDI-Port-Error-upon-inserting-ARX-Editor Do you have a Roland V-Studio?
  9. I've had it for a while now and I've not had any problems with it but I've mostly been using Cubase 9 and 10, only rarely CbB these days. I just tried it and it seemed to work. I only did the Captain Chords plugin itself, I didn't try adding the others and seeing if the communication between them would work. What your describing sounds like something unrelated to Captain Chords since the error happened while you were scanning for VSTs, which most likely means it was some other plugin and not Captain Chords.
  10. The way they "give it away" is by adding a coupon to your cart that sets the price to 0. But the rewards program is also coupon based and you can only use one coupon at a time. So you have a choice of free AAS bundle or reward, but not both.
  11. They shipped an update to 8 recently now has a choice between dark and light mode. If you have experience with 7 and earlier I think 8 isn't that bad. But for someone new or looking for a first DAW, it hasn't aged so well. But at least for me it was worth upgrading. Still has the best loop arranger DAW experience.
  12. Got mine at T&S with the free AAS bundle. Paid in GBP, came to like $24ish. Couldn't get the free AAS bundle and use reward points though.
  13. As long as your reasonable about what to expect these are great. And since they aren't included in any of the Waves bundles (Mercury/etc) are safe buys. But you can't add TG12345/REDD to every channel and expect to record audio with low latency. Some channel strip plugins you can really add to every track/etc but not these. Buses and mixing can work just fine though. And it's not your computer and more cores/ram won't help. Still worth getting though.
  14. You most likely also have the option Project->MIDI->Zero controllers When Play Stops set. It's saved in every project and every template (so it's hard to "fix"). It wrecks havoc with soft synths. I suspect it's the cause of anything zeroing after playback stops.
  15. They sound great and look great. But there isn't a computer you can buy or build today that really can run them very well. I had hoped my new i9-9960X (16 cores) would be able to at least use a few more of these kinds of plugins. But no, not really.
  16. I like their brass but it's has very narrow focus/usage, but the same can be said of a lot of brass libraries. I don't think it's worth full price though, unless you are doing some sort of TV/Movie score with a lot of adventure/theme brass bits. These days I'm mostly just using Forzo, though I recently picked up 90's Retro Trumpets and I find I like playing it more (but it covers a very narrow range too and only trumpets). I played trumpet in junior high, very badly. Which I think means I'm less qualified to talk about good vs bad brass libraries, but if you can live with Caspian's limits and need that kind of brass sound I do think it's worth having. I think the Soundcloud samples they have up are pretty good at showing what it does best. It's not an all purpose brass library, so you may need something else to go with it.
  17. They aren't new. I have their Fluid Shorts and Caspian Brass. Their instruments are kind of bare bones featurewise but have really good sound. Very much meant for keyboard players, no articulation switching, the instrument does most of the work you ride the mod wheel a lot. Lots of coverage on VI-Control. They have a "demo/early" version of the Violins for free https://performancesamples.com/conmoto-violinslegacy/ They do have sales from time to time, personally I'd wait for the bundle to be complete then for a black Friday sale.
  18. My Focusrite R2 is in my account (even though my email addresses aren't the same, but the iLok is). I also see a 20% discount coupon but it doesn't seem to work with anything. Any Exponential Audio product or bundle from PhoenixVerb, R2, or Excalibur 20% off Use Coupon Code: ---- in cart An extra 20% and I'd most likely buy the bundle. May buy it anyway. ? But the coupon code they give doesn't seem valid for any Exponential Audio products I put in the cart.
  19. Email from iZotope says Doubt he will be handling front line support, but that isn't a bad thing really.
  20. Try the SSD5 Free/demo. I was going to buy this but the demo made it pretty clear that would be a mistake.
  21. I bought this bundle. I all ready had Synferno, Hypernode and Space/Space 2 but the rest of it was new. It's pretty good stuff. Of course you need the full version of Kontakt. Aquiver is interesting. Padstation 2 and Ghost are pretty nice pad instruments. The content bulk though is still mostly loops with a (good) Kontakt front end. I think EDM and Ambient/Soundtrack style music is the real strength of this. The "list" prices are of course crazy, but for the price the bundle is pretty decent. And if you are interested in this I do think the HG Sounds group buy is also a must. Though I have to admit I've got a ton of the Homegrown stuff and it still confuses me how it's supposed to work sometimes. And don't forget to pick up Shortnoise for free at VSTBuzz https://vstbuzz.com/freebies/ Rigid Audio was Prodyon, Shortnoise and Shortnoise 2 are both really good (not sure you can get Shortnoise 2 anymore)
  22. You really must use a unique password on every site/service. Yes it's very painful. But otherwise say you use the same password for a few sites/businesses. One of those sites is hacked (or is actually ran by criminals). So now they have your email address and password. They they try that combination on every site they can exploit. This can especially be a problem with topic specific sites/forums. You sign up at new-music-company.com with the same password you use at Steinberg (and Cakewalk and every other music business) to get some music freebie and they know exactly where they can try that account data at. Next thing you know all your products at anyone without a transfer fee have been transferred/resold to someone else. Get a password manager, generate a unique password for every single account/site. Of course it could also be a security problem at Steinberg as well. Or perhaps a security problem in your browser/computer. If someone could steal your browser cookies could they get access to your Steinberg account (for example)? Be careful out there.
  23. I'd really love to hear a recording of the Sound Blaster's output and the same MIDI/SF2 file rendered with VSTSynthFont64. Pinning down exactly what makes hardware sound better in this case would be very interesting, since there isn't a lot of analog to a Sound Blaster. Sadly I don't have any Sound Blasters or machines with ISA slots left alive . I do wish VSampler was still being developed. I wonder if it's worth trying to find my copy of it? I have my serial codes for it but I'm not sure that's enough to be able to use it. I should have a backup on DVD somewhere.
  24. You might want to send them some email about adding a channel output option. I picked this up and agree it could use the ability to route each part to different MIDI channels. You can easily see this being expanded, lots of more complicated things could easily be mixed into something like this. I wonder if they will go that route?
  25. I'm sure they will sort this out, but if not welcome to the MAGIX pain club. In Feb as part of setting up my new workstation and moving everything over from my Windows 7 box I decided that I wouldn't move 32-bit Sound Forge Pro 9 over as is, instead I'd pay the overpriced upgrade price and get Sound Forge Pro 12. Almost exactly one month later they announced Sound Forge Pro 13 and free upgrades for anyone buying 12. Doh.
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