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Swaminathan S

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  1. Hello, I tried what @John Vere told me.....i placed the file there and the file name showed up in cakewalk also but i couldn't hear the metronome....the other default metronomes in cakewalk are audible......I noticed that even my file was wav just like the others @scook.....but the file size of mine was like 445kb and the others were just in double digit numbers.....could that be the problem or is it something else? Regards, Swaminathan
  2. Thank you so much @scook and @John Vere.....will surely try it out and get back....really happy to realise the fact that music is bringing kind people together Regards, Swaminathan
  3. Hello, Cakewalk's metronome sound is nice but i have a better one and i also kept those audio files in the right location...but in the list of default metronome sounds available in the metronome settings, my sounds aren't showing up.....pls let me know if u know what to do..... Thank You
  4. guys....i dont know how....but it got alright by itself thank you so much ??
  5. @christian.landstrom idid everything which i can do for free.....
  6. @scook no scook.....it says (1) and i opened and did whatever it told me to do
  7. @Carlos Anús ive been trying sizes from 64 to 2048......none of them is working?‍♂️
  8. Hello guys...... I'm one of the happiest cakewalk user but recently i experienced dropouts frequently.....even my computer is getting slow.....i dont know why....this happens only in one particular project......it just has 25 tracks ( including instruments and audio tracks )...... My Hardware: 8gb ram, Behringer um2, and its own spefific driver(not asio for all as it isn't compatible with cakewalk) Would really appreciate if somebody helped..... Thank you
  9. It got installed....thank you so much......so nice of you.....
  10. Thank you @scook.....will try and let u know
  11. My cakewalk started getting stuck so i tried to uninstall cakewalk via bandlab assistant and also deleted all files with the name cakewalk (i have a backup tho). but now im not able to install cakewalk again. it just shows me the update option and if i click open it says this( see the image down below). it would be so nice if you help me with this....its a bit urgent because i have commitements..... Thank you Regards S Swaminathan
  12. omg this is sooo nice but will it be accessible for the latest version? if s pls repost again...thank you
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